Building and Real Estate by Lindsey Harrison

Building and Real Estate Update

By Lindsey Harrison

Owl Marketplace

The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved a request by Drexel, Barrell and Co. to replat a 4.604-acre property, zoned commercial service, into four commercial lots located at 7550 North Meridian Road, southwest of the Meridian Road and Owl Place intersection. 

The commissioners also unanimously approved a request by Drexell, Barrell and Co. for a subdivision exemption plat for 5 acres located at 11685 Owl Place, southwest of the Meridian Road and Owl Place intersection. The property is zoned commercial service and allows for a public right-of-way and one lot.

Vollmer Road Stimple family property

The BOCC unanimously approved a request by Stimple Family LLLP for a minor subdivision to create a single-family residential lot on 7.58 acres. The property is zoned residential rural-5 and located southwest of the Vollmer Road and Arroya Lane intersection.

Sterling Ranch

The commissioners unanimously approved a request by Classic SRJ Land LLC to rezone 106.6 acres from RR-5 to residential suburban within Sterling Ranch East Filing No. 7. The property is located north of Woodmen Road, west of Raygor Road and east of Sterling Ranch Road.

Meadow Lake Airport property

The BOCC approved a request by TTW Properties LLC to allow a commercial vehicle repair garage in the R-4 planned development zoning district (an obsolete zoning district) in a 4-1 vote, with District 3 Commissioner Bill Wysong opposed. The property is located within the Meadow Lake Airport general aviation overlay district, south of Judge Orr Road and east of Highway 24.

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About the author

Lindsey Harrison

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