By Lindsey Harrison
Winsome subdivision
The El Paso County Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved the preliminary release of defect warranty funds for improvements within the Winsome Filing No. 2 subdivision for $1,367,961.83. All improvements have been completed and inspected.
The BOCC also unanimously approved preliminary acceptance of that same filing into the EPC road maintenance system. All public and private improvements have been constructed, according to the approved plans and have been inspected by EPC staff. This acceptance starts the two-year defect warranty period.
Falcon Marketplace
The commissioners unanimously approved the preliminary release of defect warranty funds for improvements to the Slim Chickens lot in Falcon Marketplace for $74,694.29. All improvements have been completed and inspected.
The BOCC also unanimously approved the final release of funds for the Panda Express lot in Falcon Marketplace for $1,814. There are no public improvements needed to withhold funds for defect warranty on this lot.
Marksheffel Road
The commissioners unanimously approved the partial release of funds for improvements to Marksheffel Road from Vollmer Road to Sterling Ranch Road and Marksheffel Road to Pines for $2,654,251.29. These funds represent the portion of the overall improvements that have been completed and inspected.
EPC Fairgrounds
The BOCC unanimously approved a change order to Ed Green Construction to replace electrical outlets at the EPC Fairgrounds small animal barn for no more than $3,201. The outlets were supposed to contain ground fault interrupter breakers, but due to supply chain constraints during the time of installation, those outlets weren’t available from the manufacturer.
Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Road corridor project
The commissioners unanimously approved a change order to Wilson & Company for traffic engineering and transportation planning services for the Briargate Parkway/Stapleton Road corridor project for no more than $16,040.
Romens property
The BOCC unanimously approved a request by Romens Living Trust to rezone 36.5 acres from agricultural to residential rural-5. The applicant intends to subdivide the property into seven single-family residential lots on no less than 5 acres each. The property is located between the intersections of Hopper Road, Bradshaw Road and Cleese Court.
Ford Drive property
The commissioners unanimously approved a request by Vertex Consulting Services to convert an existing accessory living quarter into a second dwelling on 2.89 acres, zoned residential rural-2.5 and located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Ford Drive and Milam Road.
Classic Communities property
The BOCC approved a request by Classic Communities for a sketch plan of property (Jaynes property) located at the southwest corner of Vollmer Road and Poco Road in a 4-1 vote, with District 4 Commissioner Longinos Gonzalez opposed. The 142.1-acre property is zoned RR-5, and the sketch plan consists of 450 single-family residential lots, about 4.5 acres of commercial lots, 13.7 acres of future rights-of-way and about 22.9 acres of open space.
Retreat at Timber Ridge subdivision
The commissioners unanimously approved the release of defect warranty funds for the Retreat at Timber Ridge Filing No. 1 subdivision for $4,383,651.85. All improvements have been completed and inspected.