USPS Mail Truck
From the Publisher

Update on Mail Delivery

The February issue of The New Falcon Herald disclosed problems some Fal-con residents were having with their daily mail delivery service. At the time, James Boxrud, communications specialist with the post office in Denver, acknowledged there were problems with mail delivery, which he attributed to snow and the lack of employees, the latter the real issue.

A Peyton resident, who wanted to remain anonymous, proved that sometimes the squeaky wheel gets the grease. She filed a complaint with the post office and received a reply on Feb. 8, which she shared with The New Falcon Herald. Cori Freed, Postmaster 18 (B) from Peyton Support Team Management, replied and said,“This past few weeks in Peyton we have been short as much as half of our car-rier staff.” Freed also provided a timetable for resolving the problem. As of Feb. 4, carriers would be delivering each route. They would begin with the oldest mail first and work to the most current mail and packages. As of Feb. 8, all mail would be current with daily deliveries.

On Feb. 10, Boxrud said that the Peyton post office had borrowed carriers from other post offices for a 30-day period; and, in about 21 days, the situation would be reevaluated to see if the extra carriers would be needed for a longer com-mitment to the Peyton post office.

Boxrud said that as the population increases, causing a current facility to be unable to accommodate mail and packages, the postal service will look at ex-panding or building a new post office.

Some residents have expressed a desire for a post office in Falcon; however, it is unlikely that will happen. Cassandra Sebastian, communications director for Congressman Doug Lamborn, said a new post office for Falcon is not likely since there is currently a shortage of employees to operate the existing post offices.

As of the NFH deadline, mail delivery has improved. The New Falcon Herald will follow up to see if the temporary 30-day commitment of extra mail carriers to Peyton will be extended and if mail service is continuing to improve.

According to the post office website,, if you have not received mail for two days or if you are not receiving mail regularly, you should contact the post-al service. You can file a complaint on the above website or you can call USPS cus-tomer service at 1-800-275-8777.

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