Tim Kealy, owner of Farmers Insurance office in Black Forest, was born and raised in Long Beach, California, but found his way to Colorado by way of Nashville in 1995. After attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, he graduated from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, with a degree in video production.Shortly after graduating, Kealy was invited to run sound for a gospel group called Truth; he went on the road with them and ended up in Nashville. Truth started in the early 70s; and, in 2000, was inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. ìThe Hall of Fame did send us a certificate this past June,î Kealy said, as he pointed to the framed certificate hanging on his office wall.ìWe used to come through Colorado doing concerts, and I really enjoyed it. My parents ended up moving here for a while, so I followed them. I met my wife here; we moved here at the same time.î Kealy came from Tennessee and his wife is from Arizona. ëWe both love it,î he said. ìWe settled down on the northern edge of Black Forest.îAfter moving to Colorado Springs, Kealy worked as a media director for Woodmen Valley Chapel for a couple of years and then had an opportunity to travel around the country with the TV crew that created the football ìfirst and 10î yellow line. ìThat was four days a week travel.î Kealy said. ìWe would go in the day before a college or pro football game and set up all the cameras for the production. And our job would be to set up the yellow line to appear on the TV screen. We had to register the cameras and tie in all the technology and the video. We were using the green field as a background; the same concept as the weather appearing behind the weatherman.î He said he enjoyed going to the different stadiums and games. ìWhat was fun was being able to be at all these games,î Kealy said. But during the game all the focus was on the technology. ìI would tell the newer people, you donít even know the score, because you are so focused on your job,î he said.Kealy was also one of the six people selected to do a NASCAR package. ìAnd that was 200 days a year travel,î he said. ìIn NASCAR, there are pointers on the cars that follow the cars around the track to identify them. It shows how fast the car is going. We know exactly where the car is on the track. It works the same as the yellow line. Both are products of SportsMEDIA Technology.îIn 2004, Kealy decided it was time to ease up on the heavy travel schedule so he started his own insurance company. ìOn Friday mornings, I would come into the office, leave for the airport for a flight to set up a college or a pro game over the weekend, and fly home Monday and go back to work doing insurance,î he said. ìIíd do that for a couple of years. I also realized we could not have kids if I was gone three or four nights a week. Thatís not the lifestyle I wanted to have. I had been on the road at that point for 15 years.îThe Kealys fostered and adopted a sibling group of twin girls, Julia and Christina, who were almost 13, and their brother, Carlos, who was 11. ìWe had no kids of our own, and we were looking for options on how we could help out. We taught middle school kids in our church and we liked that age group.î Kealy said. ìThere is an organization called Project 1.27 that helps with training and understanding of the system. And there are always kids available; itís hard not to take them all home. ìThe kids are now grown, two of them are married with children of their own. Kealy and his wife, Allison, a retired software engineer, continue to be involved in organizations assisting foster families and children, like Safe Families for Children and Fostering Hope. Fostering Hope is currently building out a program to help kids aging out of the foster system. ìWith Fostering Hope, I like that they bring in other people to assist the foster families. Not everyone can be a foster family,î he said. ìBut maybe they can help with the errands, or drive the kids to this or that appointment; itís a lot of effort by the foster family and they need someone to be there.î Allison Kealy is also involved with several food pantries and is a point of contact for CarePortal for Woodmen Valley Chapel.Kealy sells insurance and does reverse mortgages as well. ìI really enjoy helping people and this is just another angle how to do it,î he said. ìDuring the Black Forest fire, I had 20 clients who lost everything. But I was there able to write checks and get them back on their feet. I understand the whole process.î Kealy said he loves the community and being involved in local networking groups and organizations. ìIím now treasurer of the Eastern Plains Chamber of Commerce, and it is really growing.îExcept for Antarctica and Australia, Kealy has traveled throughout the world. ìI drove the tour bus, and Iíve been able to go to all 50 states. Iíve been overseas, did concerts in Russia in 1992,î he said. ìBilly Graham did a special for which I was a cameraman, and we did a tour around the world in 15 days.îWhen he is not working, Kealy and his wife like to hike. ìMy wife likes ë14ers;í Iím trying to change that. I can hike level all day long but going up is not much fun.î Kealy said he also enjoys time at home with his family and two Labrador retrievers. ìLife is good. Godís good to us. Itís been great!î