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From the Publisher

We are starting a new end-of-the-year tradition by recognizing a dedicated reader with a Reader of the Year Award. We are kicking off this new ritual by naming a long-lasting, unwavering, staunch supporter of the newspaper. The 2022 Reader of the Year Award goes to Betty Meacham of Wichita, Kansas. (You do not have to live in the area to receive this award.) Betty has never missed an issue since our humble beginnings in 2004. Plus, she provides the input ó good and bad ó we need to keep all readers happy and engaged in the NFH. So, thank you, Betty, for being a wonderful, faithful friend to The New Falcon Herald! Full disclosure: Betty is my mom. Call it nepotism if you will; it was a unanimous decision: She deserves the Reader of the Year Award.Next year, about two months ahead of time, we will ask you to nominate someone you know to be Reader of the Year 2023.Thank you to the readers who responded to our quest for feedback and recipes last month. We would like to hear from many more of you! Please see the holiday recipe on Pg. 9.The holidays tend to bring communities together, which is evidenced by our articles in this monthís issue.In our ìFestival of treesî article by LC Grady, an effort has been made by a nonprofit organization to bring the community together in a unique way to help others. Itís great to see the business community getting creative and having fun to benefit a variety of local charities. In Markís Meanderings, Mark Stoller talks about his ideas for giving back to a community, especially around the holidays.And the resurrection of the senior luncheons hosted by Patriot High School, after a lengthy hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic, is a boon to bringing the community together. Kay Rowe reports on the Nov. 17 Thanksgiving tradition luncheon that brought seniors, students, residents and business people together for one delicious meal, made by the students in the culinary arts program.This month, Kay also tackled the somewhat fickle housing market. The good news is that while other areas of the country might realize some housing market ups and downs, Colorado is on track to continue as a strong market for sellers and buyers. Although prices have leveled out, the desire to live here remains a big draw.Deb Risden wrote a fun article on Partner in Cream Dairy, where people can own part of a dairy herd and get milk and other products without any ìcow maintenance.îLC Grady highlights a ìfunî person in People on the Plains. Read all about the eclectic world of Tim Kealy.Finally, while the economy is challenging our budgets, think about shopping local for gifts. Lots of our advertisers are offering gift certificates and other bargains this season. See our shopping guide on below. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah and a Joyful Winter Solstice. And be safe out there.See you in January 2023 when the annual health care issue hits the stands.– MichelleCORRECTION: Last month in the article ìWinterizing Vehicles, home and yard,î we referenced carbon dioxide in this sentence. The carbon dioxide detectors are important as well. It should have read carbon monoxide

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