Every year, thousands (like in the five figures) of male tarantulas start on their journey around the southern part of Colorado, typically from late August through October as summer nighttime temperatures cool.For the most part the first tarantulas to appear will show up in southeastern Colorado around the end of August, roaming throughout the month of September. A second, southwestern wave will appear a bit later in the year; the sightings peak in October. The fist-sized fuzzy arachnids creep around on a quest to find a mate and after mating, they’ll die ó either their mate kills them or they run into cold weather. According to The Denver Channel, one of the best places to see these tarantulas is at Comanche National Grassland near La Junta, Colorado. Two additional spots to see the spider phenomenon include just north of Ordway on Highway 71 and between La Junta and Kim on Highway 109, according to the La Junta Tribune-Democrat.While tarantulas typically can’t do much damage to humans, they can throw irritating hairs at potential threats and deliver a painful bite that’s often compared to a bee sting.Take a trip in September, and enjoy!