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AARP Black Forest

The Black†Forest AARP Chapter presented Jake Skifstad, Shield 616 founder, with a†donation check for $1,500 to purchase an armor package designed to protect†local†peace officers and first responders from rifle threats.†The package includes a trauma kit ballistic†helmet, plate carrier vest with pouches and rifle rated armor.†Shield 616 is a local 501(c)3) organization.Kent Matthews, MSW, from the Colorado Springs Area Agency on Aging presented a program at a chapter meeting on dementia and caregiving. The program provided basic legal, financial, medical†and emotional insights for caregivers.†Kent also provided a long list of caregiver†support and education agencies in the Colorado Springs area.Chapter†1100 member longevity badges were presented this fall. Gwen Burk was awarded a 25-year badge,†certifying she has been a member in†good standing of Chapter 1100 in Black†Forest for 25 consecutive years.†Five-year†chapter member longevity badges were presented to Stephen Blucher, Patricia†Dix,†Herb Guild, Pat Guild, Roberta Hagmaier and Linda Siebe.Election of new officersThe January†meeting of Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 featured the installation of newly†elected chapter officers and the reaffirmation of many appointed committee†chairs.†Outgoing Chapter President Ray Rozak swore in the new officers: Candace Lehmann, president; Raji†Verma ,vice president; Patricia Dix, secretary; andAnita Wolfe, treasurer.Cheryl Moyer from H & R†Block presented an excellent program at the meeting. She discussed the tax law†changes for 2020, including new tax†items and issues relating to†wills and inheritances.†Individuals†who want to give something back to the community as a volunteer can find some†interesting and enjoyable social connections with AARP Chapter 1100†in Black†Forest.†Those interested in visiting or joining the chapter can contact Ray Rozak, the chapter president, at†719-495-6767.†The chapter motto is ìTo†Serve, not to†be Served.î†Additional information†on Chapter 1100 activities can be found at

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