They called it ìthe bomb cyclone.î It was a doozy of a snowstorm that wreaked havoc in Colorado on March 13.†One thing for sure: the forecast was spot on. That said, the storm came up so fast that people who thought they had the morning to do some last-minute shopping, finish up work and leave in time to safely get home were†fooled by Mother Nature.†A newscaster said the snowstorm was exacerbated by so many new residents, many who do not know when to get off the roads or how to drive in the snow. However, plenty of long-time Colorado residents were stranded†on roads because of the force with which the storm blew in.Iíve heard a few people say they are tired of the cold and snow and will not spend another winter here. I think mild winters over the years have spoiled some people.Be sure to read Robin Widmarís article on how the Falcon Fire Protection District managed this storm amid scores of calls.†Weíve also placed photos of the storm (just reminders) throughout the paper. And Bill Radfordís column, Prairie Life, is a personal take on how he and his wife weathered the storm on the prairie (his wife was stranded on†Woodmen Road for 11 hours).This is Colorado, and snow is what makes our state well-known†and profitable: the skiing industry, for example. Also, the rafting industry will likely benefit from the snow runoff this spring.†On another subject, a few months ago we sent out a survey asking for your opinions on the NFH: your favorite column, types of articles you like, how we can improve, etc. I think it is time to address the results. The most†popular part of the paper: Rumors. Phun Photos, Monkey Business and Did you know ranked almost as high as Rumors. I was surprised to see the restaurant review in the overall top 10. We have scrapped that column,†mainly because we just donít have enough restaurants to review. All of the NFH columns received high numbers.†We also asked you to tell us what you would like to see that we donít cover. The results: more development and community issues; one person said D 49 sports. The latter has been a challenge since we started the paper 15†years ago. Maybe our readers could send us some thoughts on covering sports, since we are a monthly paper.We could use your help with a couple of other aspects of†the newspaper: Many people liked the recipe of the month. Maybe you would like to send us your favorite recipe? The same with rumors: If you hear something, let us know. You can send your replies and ideas to Marylou or†Michelle at the emails we have listed.Part of April is about Earth Day and Easter. I checked out some activities for Earth Day ó for some cool Earth Day celebrations, visit this website:† Earth Day†began April 22, 1970. Water and air pollution and an oil spill in California prompted a few to establish a special day to rally Americans around the environment ó 20 million people gathered across America that first Earth Day.†Easter is April 21. Itís a special day for Christians. About 2.2 billion Christians around the world will celebrate Easter. Christianity is the largest religion worldwide.†We are still running a promotion ó††giving away six-month subscriptions to the first 25 potential new subscribers that call me at 719-484-0384. We have a great little community newspaper, and I think you will enjoy the†convenience of having ìThe New Falcon Heraldî delivered right to your mailbox.Have a warm and wonderful April.†See you in May!†– Michelle