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AARP Black Forest

Violinist†Herman Susser played a long program of traditional holiday music to the†delight of the members and guests at the Dec. 12†meeting of†the Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100.†Each song selection was greeted with enthusiastic applause from the holiday†assemblage seated at tables decorated with†poinsettias and other festive†decor.† † †A huge feast of traditional turkey and dressing, ham and mashed potatoes, along with a multitude of side dishes and an extensive dessert bar by chapter members made for a wonderful holiday party.† †Chapter†President Ray Rozak reviewed the many chapter community service accomplishments†that the members participated in during the past year.†This†included the annual free shredding event, a blood†drive, fire extinguisher and driver safety training, providing free†transportation for those in need, free stroke and heart attack†awareness†instruction for the community and active participation in the Black Forest†Festival. The chapter also supported several Senior Resource Council events, including the†Holiday Dinner†Dance; Silver Key outreach activities; providing wheelchair†pouches to the veterans at the Veterans Community Living Center in†Florence, Colorado; filling†Christmas stockings for The Salvation Army to†distribute to children at Christmas time; and providing Easter baskets for children†of homeless individuals in the San Louis†Valley.†The chapter also participates in care taking in†the community and community outreach through numerous area events.Many activities included raising funds. The chapter†donated†$1,655 to historic charities such as the†Black Forest Community†Log School Park Foundation; the original Log Community Church in Black Forest; Hope†Restored, the charity dedicated to assisting victims of†disasters like the Black†Forest Fire; and Black Forest Cares, a local food pantry. The chapter also donated 636 pounds of†non-perishable food to Black Forest Cares during 2018.The short business meeting included†the annual election of chapter officers for 2019.†The officers will be installed at the Jan.†9 meeting by Roberto†Rey from the AARP Colorado office.† † † †Home Depot furnished the poinsettias for the tables.†They were distributed to attendees, along†with gifts brought by the members.†Everyone who attended received at†least one wrapped item to take home at the dayís end.††The motto of the Black Forest AARP†Chapter is ìTo Serve, not to be Served.î†Membership is open to all ages.†Persons interested in serving in the community and†being part of educational social activities should contact Ray at 719-495-6767.†More information on Chapter 1100 can be found†at†

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