El Paso County Colorado District 49

September BOE meeting wrap-up

All members of the El Paso County Colorado School District 49 Board of Education were present at the regular board meeting in September.Board updateJosh Frey, director, said the district accountability advisory committee held its first meeting of the new school year, which went well.Dave Cruson, secretary, said he attended a few events during homecoming week at Vista Ridge High School.Kevin Butcher, treasurer, said he is a member of the Colorado Association of Realtors; and, for the first time in his 30 years of membership, the organization has openly taken a stance against an education amendment addressed on Novemberís ballot. Amendment 73 would create a tax bracket system, rather than the current flat tax rate, and raise taxes for individuals making more than $150,000 per year, raise the corporate income tax rate and create the Quality Public Education Fund.Marie LaVere-Wright, president, recognized the student council at Falcon High School. They held a ìDance Before the Danceî event to allow students with special needs to attend a more ìlow-keyî version of the annual homecoming dance.Chief officersí updatePedro Almeida, chief operations officer, said the enhanced security community advisory team is up and running and the fourth security specialist has been hired, as well as the technology quality assurance manager.Almeida recognized the transportation team, which has expanded its service this year.Peter Hilts, chief education officer, said Sand Creek High School was able to host the football game against Palmer Ridge High School on their new football field.Action itemsThe BOE unanimously approved the following:

  • Revisions to policies regarding staff health; staff personal security and safety; and staff unpaid leave of absence
  • Review of the following policies and procedures: admission and denial of admission; admission of non-immigrant foreign students; intra-district choice/transfers; intra-district choice/open enrollment; student distribution of non-curricular materials; and student records/release of information on students
  • Designation of Oct. 30 as the official impact aid survey date for the 2018-2019 school year
  • Mission Innovation parameters and calendar
  • Designation of May 25 as the graduation date for the class of 2019 at the World Arena in Colorado Springs at the following times: FHS at 9 a.m.; VRHS at 1 p.m.; and SCHS at 5 p.m.
  • The 2017-2018 supplemental budget to appropriately inform and account for certain revenues and related expenses
  • Revisions to the finance director job description to place the current finance group manager in that role and leave the finance group manager position dormant
  • Appointment of John Graham, vice president, as the delegate for the Colorado Association of School Boards delegate assembly
The board discussed adjusting the pay rates for ìguestî or substitute teachers. Pay rates are determined by the amount of days a teacher has served in the district for each school year. Tier 1 rates go to guest teachers who have served one to 45 days; Tier 2 rates go to guest teachers who have served 46 to 90 days; and Tier 3 rates go to guest teachers who have served 91 days or more.The current pay rates: full day rates ó $90, $120 and $140 for Tiers 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Half-day rates are $54, $72 and $84 for Tiers 1, 2 and 3, respectively.The proposed pay rates: full day rates of $100, $125 and $150 for Tiers 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Half-day rates of $60, $75 and $90 for Tiers 1,2 and 3, respectively.The proposal also requested that teachers who had reached Tier 3 status be allowed to keep that status in subsequent years, rather than having to return to Tier 1 with the start of each new school year.ìThe ultimate purpose is to make sure our students are having a great experience with a strong teacher at the front of the room,î Hilts said.The board unanimously approved the proposal.Discussion itemsMatt Willhelm, project manager with Wember Inc., updated the board on the districtís 3B project list. He said a list has already been done to address anything at Bennett Ranch Elementary School that needs to be fixed or adjusted over fall break. The last of the Priority 2 summer projects are wrapping up; so far, no project on the entire 3B project list has gone over budget.Ken Witt, executive director of Education reEnvisioned Board of Cooperative Educational Services, formerly Colorado Digital BOCES, updated the board and said Education reEnvisioned BOCES believes that education continues to improve, and he wanted to be clear about the direction the organization was heading and how it planned to get there.Part of that direction includes moving away from the organizationís dependence on D 49 and listening to its partner districts, which include the Creede School District in Creede, Colorado, and the Durango School District 9-R in Durango, Colorado, Witt said.Monica Deines-Henderson, director of nutrition services, said the United States Department of Agricultureís guidance requirements, enforced by the Colorado Department of Education, indicate that D 49ís adult breakfast prices were too low. To stay in compliance with the CDE, the district needs to adjust that cost, she said.The board moved this item forward for action at a subsequent meeting.Andy Franko, iConnect zone leader, updated the board about activities within his zone, including the official opening of the Liberty Tree Academy charter school. He also discussed performance goals for the schools within his zone such as continuing the positive trend in primary literacy at Springs Studio for Academic Excellence.Ron Sprinz, finance group manager, updated the board on the preliminary numbers for total enrollment in D 49. The official student count will occur in October, which will help guide the districtís budget, he said.Following the regular meeting, the BOE entered into an executive session to discuss both the COOís evaluation and review and student discipline matters involving specific students and issues related to extracurricular activities.The next regular meeting of the BOE is Oct. 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the board room at the D 49 Education Services Center.

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