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In August, Money magazine rated Colorado School of Mines in Golden as the stateís best college for the money. Money ranked 727 of the best colleges based on quality of education, affordability and outcomes.The top six in Colorado and how they rank out of the 727 best colleges overall; costs for the top three

  • Colorado School of Mines (140) ó- Estimated cost this year $34,500 without aid
  • Colorado College (263) ó Estimated cost no aid ó $70,300
  • Colorado State University (310) ó Estimated cost no aid ó $26,600
  • Regis University (338)
  • University of Denver (418)
  • University of Colorado Boulder (451)
Of the 14 schools listed in the “Mountain West” region of Montana, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and Colorado, Brigham Young University ranked the highest at 102.Ranking No. 1 was Princeton University in New Jersey.MIT and Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California, rate at the top of graduates earnings. MIT grads see early earnings of $81,500 and Harvey Mudd grads come in at $81,000

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