News Briefs

AARP at the festival

The Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 offered items for sale such as baked goods,†crafts and a variety of plants at the August Black†Forest Festival. All†proceeds from the sales went toward new†equipment for Hope Restored, a group of volunteers, who help remove still†standing and burnt trees from Black†Forest residential property.†The chapter also provided free cold water,†plastic bags and literature to many of the attendees at the festival.The baked†goods and crafts that the chapter sold were made and donated by the members, who also staffed the booth at the festival.†Some of†the members also provided homegrown house and yard plants.The†involvement in the Black Forest Festival by Chapter 1100 typifies the chapterís†motto ìTo Serve not to be Served.Individuals interested in†providing community service throughout the†local area, while socializing and enjoying informative luncheon meetings in†Black Forest, should contact Ray†at 719-495-6767 or visit the chapter website at††for details on when and where the monthly meetings are†held. All are welcome, and there are no age restrictions.

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