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Veterans honored with flags

On May 26, more than 50 members of the American Legion Dane R. Balcon Post 2008, American Legion Riders, the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion, Boy Scout Troops 228 and 149 and Cub Scout Packs 169, 231 and 159 gathered at Eastonville Cemetery to honor the buried veterans by placing an American flag at each gravesite. ìCan anyone tell me the meaning of Memorial Day?î asked Jeff Houchin, American Legion Post 2008 coordinator for this event. After a brief discussion, Houchin asked for a moment of silence to reflect on the sacrifice all veterans and their families make to serve the country. Following the moment of silence, Houchin led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance while facing the American flag flying at the cemeteryís entrance. James ìFarmerî Kendig of the American Legion Riders offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the nationís military.Separating into small groups, everyone received a map with historical data about each of the veterans and a handful of flags to place at each grave. ìIíve been doing this for about 10 years,î Houchin said. ìWe started with just a handful of people and now look how much support we have.î He has been the primary organizer, and has invested many long hours researching old newspapers and obituaries. The Pikes Peak Genealogical Society also helped to identify each of the veterans buried at Eastonville Cemetery.ìThere is a veteran from every war since the Civil War buried here. At least two died while on active duty,î Houchin said. ìThe oldest grave marker is for Billy Coon. He was a Coloradan who fought in the Civil War. You can just make out the ëLLYí in his first name and most of his last name. American Legion Post 2008 has funded and ordered a replacement headstone for him.îHouchin said the American Legion purchased the flags they were placing that day. With help from the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts, they place the flags the Saturday before each Memorial Day and Veterans Day. ìWe then collect the flags on the following Tuesday,î Houchin said.ìIn all, there are 117 veterans buried at Eastonville Cemetery.î

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