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Centennial Park – Closed

Doug and Jen Gesick own the property on the corner of McLaughlin Road and Old Meridian Road in Falcon, Colorado. Their business, Gesick Motors, is located on that property. A decision to expand prompted the relocation of a piece of Falcon history ó the stone monument.When the Gesicks planned to pave the way for a parking lot, adjacent to their building, for additional vehicles, they had to deal with the monument. Art and Ann Van Sant, who had strong roots in Falcon, placed the monument with the name Centennial Park on it years ago. Art Van Sant died in 2005.ìI bought the property five years ago and have been taking care of the space around the monument since then,î Gesick said. ìI gave the Van Sant family every opportunity to come out here and move or take the monument, and they chose not to.îGesick had the stone moved to a nearby concrete platform, formerly a well; he plans to level it out, since the stone was cut poorly and leans to the rear, he said.ìI am going to level the gravel area and probably put down crushed asphalt,î Gesick said. ìI plan to build a white vinyl fence around the perimeter. That area has always been a shortcut for everyone, and I do not want people to keep coming through there.îHe never intended to totally remove the monument, Gesick said. He moved it to a more convenient location to accommodate the expansion. He said community members have mistakenly believed the monument marked a government-sponsored park, since the stoneís plaque states, ìCentennial Park.î He said the ìparkî is part of the property he purchased from the Van Sants, and it has never been used as a park.

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