Community Calendar

Meridian Ranch Center events

Please note that all of these events are free and open to the public.† One does not need to be a Meridian Ranch resident to participate.† Unless specifically stated, all events are held at the Meridian Ranch Recreation Center at 10301 Angeles Road. To sign up for any of these events, stop by the recreation center, call us at 719-495-7119 or email Mary, event coordinator, at

  • SilverSneaker Classic: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m. (While this is not a formal Intro class, it is a good way to get started in muscle strength and flexibility.†It is not an aerobic class. SilverSneaker insurance is not required.
  • Open Enrollment: For friends 65-plus ó if your insurance policy or Medicare supplement includes SilverSneakers, you are welcome to come to the Meridian Ranch Recreation Center and take any†of our land/water classes for free.†You would also be entitled to a free Y membership.†Contact your provider if you have any questions on your coverage.
December eventsSunday, Dec. 3:2 p.m.:† Forte Handbell Quartet Christmas Concert @ Library 21c; no registration required.4:30 p.m.:†Dinner out @ Mimi’s Cafe on Academy; anyone who wants to join the group must pre-register.Wednesday, Dec. 6††12:30 p.m.:†Presentation by the Alzheimer’s Society; no registration requiredThursday, Dec. 1412:15 p.m.:† Community Christmas Pot Luck with optional Wrapped White Elephant Gift Exchange; maximum value limited to $10, please.†We will provide the main dish and the drinks.†Please bring either a salad, a side dish or a dessert to share.†We recognize that individuals might have dietary needs/restrictions.†Please fee free to bring something appropriate for you, and come join us! Pre-register by Monday, Dec. 11To register for these events or for more information, contact the Meridian Ranch Recreation Center at 719-495-7119 or email Mary at

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