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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

My dog was drivingReliford Cooper, III, fled from police one Wednesday evening in October in 2015, leading police on a high-speed chase that involved running through a stop sign and two ditches before crashing into a house. As he was being handcuffed, Cooper told police, ìI wasnít driving that car. My dog was driving that car.î Police couldnít find a dog at the scene, but even if they had Ö?Donít try a robbery if you are hungry and tiredRenaud ëJuniorí Plaisir broke into John Terrellís New Hampshire home with the intent of robbing it. At some point, he opened the refrigerator, and found leftover chicken wings. After eating the wings, he fell asleep in the guest bedroom, where Terrell detained him until the police arrived.Ego will get you in the endLevi Charles Reardon was wanted for theft and forgery; after his ìwantedî poster was featured on the Great Falls/Cascade County Crimestoppers Facebook page, he ìlikedî it, which eventually led to his arrest.Commit a crime ó stay away from social mediaChristopher Wallace (not that Christopher Wallace), age 22, was arrested in March while using Snapchat to indicate to the world his whereabouts (he had been hiding in a cupboard from the police, who were searching his home at the time). It didnít take long at all for the police to find him.Wishful thinking, or really, really stupidCharles Ray Fuller tried to cash a check for $360 billion at his small, hometown bank. Bank personnel called the police; everyone tried to figure out what kind of person would try such a stunt. Obviously, he knew little about the banking system.

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