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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

Caution: fireworks; summer heat

Fireworks have long been a hallmark of Fourth of July celebrations. However, just because certain types of consumer fireworks are permitted in unincorporated areas of El Paso County doesnít mean they are safe. Every year in the U.S., fireworks cause thousands of injuries and millions of dollars in property damage.

  • In 2013, fireworks caused an estimated 15,600 reported fires in the U.S., including 1,400 structure fires, 200 vehicle fires and 14,000 outside and other fires. (National Fire Protection Association)
  • Almost half (47 percent) of the reported fires on the Fourth of July were started by fireworks. (NFPA)
  • Sparklers, which can reach temperatures of more than 1,200 degrees, accounted for more than one-quarter (28 percent) of the emergency room fireworks injuries seen from June 20 to July 20, 2014. †(Consumer Product Safety Commission)
In addition to injuries and fires, fireworks can cause problems for veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder; and can frighten pets and livestock.For those reasons, the Falcon Fire Protection District encourages everyone to leave the fireworks to professional handlers ó fireworks displays such as the Falcon Freedom Days celebration at Meridian Ranch.A reminder about fireworks in Falcon and other areas of unincorporated El Paso County:
  • Any firework that flies through the air, explodes or shoots balls of flame is not permitted (bottle rockets, firecrackers of any type, mortars, Roman candles, etc.).
  • Always keep some sort of water supply (garden hose, bucket of water) close at hand when using fireworks.
  • Remember, if fireworks cause a fire and/or property damage, the person responsible could be liable for costs and may even face charges under state arson statutes.
Enjoy the Fourth of July, but do so safely!Stay connected with the FFPDWebsite: http://falconfirepd.orgFacebook: Falcon Fire DepartmentTwitter: @FalconFireDept

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