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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

Firefighting and the 12 Days of Christmas

Every year, the PNC Bank tallies up the cost of all the gifts mentioned in the holiday song ìThe 12 Days of Christmas.î The 2015 PNC Christmas Price Index,Æ as it is called, calculated the total cost at $34,130.99, if each dayís gift was purchased only once. Although created as a way to illustrate inflation, part of the fun of this little exercise lies in discovering what each unusual item costs. After all, how often does anyone go shopping for calling birds and French hens?Coincidentally, the holiday season is also when the Falcon Fire Protection District finalizes its budget for the following year. Every year, the district starts working on the budget before Halloween, and approves it prior to a statutory deadline of Dec. 15. As with the Christmas Price Index, people might be a bit surprised by what it costs to outfit a fire department and its personnel. Read on to learn how some FFPD expenses compare to PNC Bankís holiday gift estimates.Fire station: FFPDís new Station 4, which is currently under construction on Capital Drive near Constitution Avenue and Marksheffel Road, is budgeted at $1.7 million; including furnishings and appliances. That is just a little more than 10 complete ì12 Days of Christmasî packages, if all gifts were purchased every time they were mentioned in the entire song.Fire engine: The districtís newest fire engine is priced at $525,000 and doesnít include almost $200,000 in additional equipment such as hose, ladders, tools and emergency medical gear. Fire apparatus must meet current National Fire Protection Association standards and federal emissions standards, both of which have increased the cost of new fire service vehicles. For the price of the new engine alone, a holiday consumer could buy 280 swans a-swimming.Personal protective equipment: Also called turnout gear, PPE is fire-resistant protective clothing that can withstand high temperatures and the physical wear and tear of structural firefighting. Each ensemble consists of coat, pants and suspenders, boots, hood, gloves and helmet. All PPE meets NFPA safety standards and must be replaced every 10 years, or when it is damaged beyond safety limits. Each complete set costs around $2,300, so outfitting four firefighters would cost about the same as 36 golden rings priced at $250 apiece.Self-contained breathing apparatus: SCBAs are similar to SCUBA gear in that they allow firefighters to breathe clean air when working inside a burning structure or other hazardous environment. Each SCBA consists of an air cylinder filled with compressed air, a backpack-type frame, a pressure regulator and a face piece. The total cost for one complete unit plus an extra air cylinder is about $8,000. Four SCBAs for the new fire engine will cost the same as five performances of 10 lords a-leaping, with a little left over to buy the performers a light lunch.Thermal imaging camera: A TIC detects and measures heat, which allows firefighters to determine whether a fire has extended into a hidden space. It can also be used to locate a victim in a smoky environment. A TIC costs about $7,500, or the same as 34 partridges in their respective pear trees, plus a little bird seed.Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to one and all from the Falcon Fire Protection District!

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