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AARP Chapter #1100

Ray Rozak, a local AARP Chapter 1100 member, presided as the master of ceremonies at the annual Keeper of the Keys ceremony and†dinner Aug. 7 at the Black Forest Community Club in Black Forest. More than 60 Black Forest and area residents attended the dinner and evening of festivities. Ray introduced and administered the oath of office to the Black Forest Keeper of the Keys 2016 winner,†Leif Garrison. The award ceremony kicked off the Aug. 13 Black Forest Festival. Ray, and his†wife, Linda, received the 2014 Keeper of the Keys award. †† † † †The Black Forest AARP Chapter #1100 celebrated the Black Forest Festival by selling homemade food, crafts and home-grown†potted plants. The sales total of $360.20 was all donated to the Black Forest Cares Food Pantry. Twelve chapter volunteers contributed to making†and providing the items, and also staffed the AARP booth on the festival concourse.† † † †The Black Forest AARP Chapter meets at noon the second Wednesday of each month in the Fellowship Hall of the Black Forest†Lutheran Church. Visitors are welcome. The chapter motto is ìTo Serve not to be Served.î For more information, call Chuck at†719-749-9227 or visit the chapter website at†

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