El Paso County Colorado District 49

D 49 BOE February meeting wrap-up

All members of the Falcon School District 49 Board of Education were present at the Feb. 11 regular meeting. Before the meeting, the BOE held a ìFantastic 49î event and recognized Aimee Crespin, assistant principal at Falcon Elementary School of Technology, and the Falcon High School varsity cheer team.In January, Crespin was chosen as a finalist for the Colorado Outstanding Assistant Principal award by the Colorado Association of School Executives and the Colorado Association of Elementary School Principals.The FHS cheer team finished first at the Pikes Peak Athletic Conference championship in the coed cheer division and placed third in the Colorado State Spirit Competition in the 4A/5A coed division. The team left Feb. 24 for Orlando, Florida, to compete in the AmeriCheer InterNational Championship Feb. 27 and 28 (after the NFH deadline).Chief updatesJack Bay, chief operations officer, said his team is working on plans to better handle large snow storms like that which occurred in February.Open forumDarryl Murphy, D 49 parent, said he was disappointed with the BOEís decision to disband Falcon High Schoolís School Accountability Committee. He said the committee has always tried to work within the rules of the school, and they have no hidden agenda, specifically against Peter Hilts, chief education officer.ìIt seems like it is time to seize back our school,î Murphy said. ìI am not threatening, but I know exactly what it takes to get a recall started, and it will be.îAction itemsThe BOE unanimously approved the following:

  • Remington Elementary Schoolís innovation plan renewal
  • Addition of Advanced Design and Development and Engineering Independent Study courses at Sand Creek High School
  • Revision of the concert choir and the vocal music program at SCHS
  • Proposals for Advanced Game Design, Game Design II and Technical Writing for Science courses at Vista Ridge High School
  • Changes to the pathways data technician job description
  • Reclassification of the health paraprofessional job description
  • Policies aligning the school calendars across the district
  • The communication plan regarding potential participation in the November 2016 general election
  • The reorganization proposal and timeline for the iConnect Zone
  • Review of the following district policies and procedures: commitment to religious accommodation and neutrality; school board member financial disclosure; advisory committees; career and technical advisory council; school board meetings; environmental and safety program; hazardous materials; prevention of disease/infection transmission; staff training in crisis prevention and management; first aid training; grading/assessment systems; cyber bullying; first aid and emergency medical care; and crisis management
  • Temporary approval of the regulation regarding district relations with charter schools
Discussion itemsJulia Roark, Falcon Zone leader, provided an update on the zoneís performance. One goal they set last fall has almost been accomplished: to have 90 percent of third-grade students reading at or above the benchmark by the end of the year. Already, 85 percent have met that end-of-year goal, Roark said.Additionally, the zone has reduced the percentage of students considered at high risk for requiring educational intervention, from 17 percent at the start of the school year to 9 percent at the middle of the year, she said.Roark provided an update on the 49 Pathways program at Falcon Middle School. Administrators and teachers use the Individual Career and Academic Plan information on student interests to develop the schoolís courses and mini-courses.The zone leadership is also working to develop a Falcon Zone Improvement Plan that will address the strengths and weaknesses of the program.The next regular meeting of the BOE is March 10 at 6:30 p.m. in the board room of the D 49 Education Services Center.

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