Black Forest culverts improvement projectThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners approved a memorandum of agreement and accepted a temporary construction easement. The agreement between Thomas and Bridgitte Martin and EPC totaled $200, and allows the county temporary access to a portion of their property to complete the Black Forest culverts improvement project.The commissioners also approved a memorandum of agreement and accepted a non-exclusive permanent easement. The agreement between Anthony Steffensmeier and EPC totaled $1,000 for the county to have permanent access to the portion of Steffensmeierís property for work related to the Black Forest culverts improvement project.The BOCC approved a similar memorandum of agreement and non-exclusive permanent easement between the county and Anthony John David for $1,200.Rock Island Regional Trail expansion projectThe commissioners approved permanent, non-exclusive trail easements with Farmers State Bank of Calhan and the Pikes Peak Library District for the expansion of the Rock Island Regional Trail. The 25-foot-wide easements provide separation between Highway 24 and Farmers State Bank in Falcon and the High Prairie Library.Bent Grass ñ East Commercial Filing No. 2The BOCC approved the first partial release of a letter of credit for public improvements to a detention pond in the Bent Grass East Commercial Filing No. 2 subdivision for $41,519, which represents the completion and inspection of 65 percent of the improvements to the subdivision.The Shops at Meridian RanchRaul Guzman, Meridian Ranch project manager for GTL Inc., the developer of the subdivision and commercial area, said construction on the shops is under way. The company is working on leasing more shops, although no new leases have been signed as of this publication.