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Black Forest AARP Chapter news

A salute to veteransThe D-Day Commemorative quilt made and donated by Shirley Karlstrum was presented in†a brief ceremony Oct. 15 to the Lt. Marion L. Willis Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 101 in†Colorado Springs. Receiving the quilt on behalf of Post 101 was Michael Vagle, the Post Junior†Vice Commander.†The quilt will be included in the museum at Post 101 honoring military†members who have served from WW I to the present.† † † † †The quilt was commissioned by the Black Forest AARP Chapter # 1100 to commemorate the†70th Anniversary of the June 6, 1944, World War II D-Day landing in Europe. The wall hanging quilt, 42†inches wide and 48 inches long, is of historical significance. The quilt features 10 invasion†photographs, as well as a photo of the letter that Gen. Eisenhower wrote to the Allied Forces prior†to the invasion. Also included is the handwritten statement the general had prepared in†case the invasion failed. †VFW Post 101 was established over 95 years ago in April 1920. Current membership†includes more than 500 Veterans from all the United States Military Services plus many auxiliary†members. Veterans interested in becoming VFW Post 101 members should call†719.632.2776 or visit† † † † †The next Black Forest AARP Chapter meeting is Nov 11, Veteranís Day. The†Veteranís Day program will include a presentation by Mr. Phillip K. Heacock, lead docent at the†National Museum of WW II Aviation in Colorado Springs. Heacock will speak on how the†aircraft are obtained and restored at the museum. Mr. Heacock reflects a distinguished military and†civilian career in the aerospace industry.Membership in the Black Forest Chapter is open to all. †Chapter activities and an invitation to†visit a chapter meeting can be found at or†by contacting Chuck at 719-749-9227.†Seven consecutive awardsOn Oct. 2 in Arvada, Colorado, the Black Forest AARP Chapter # 1100†was presented the 2015 Platinum Award and Colorado Cup for outstanding community service in Colorado. This is the seventh†consecutive year that the Black Forest Chapter has been awarded this honor. Accepting the award, presented by the AARP†Colorado associate director of community outreach, Jeremiah Mora, was the Black Forest Chapter president, Chuck Karlstrum of†Calhan. The award was accompanied by a grant of $250.†Fourteen Black Forest Chapter members were present for the ceremony. †The AARP Volunteer and Community Partner†Recognition Awards ceremony included entertainment, a delicious lunch and numerous individual awards. One of the†individual awards presented was the Lifetime Achievement Award to Black Forest Chapter member, Stanley Beckner.Food drive a successThe Black Forest AARP Chapter partnered with 11 Black Forest merchants to sponsor a mid-September food drive in the Black Forest community. The food drive paid tribute to the responders to the Black Forest fire, and also as part of the annual National Day of Service and Remembrance established after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.†The non-perishable food items and cash collected during the food drive were donated to Black Forest Cares, a local food bank.††††††††The Day of Service food drive netted 85 pounds of food and $123.52 in cash. Thank you to those chapter members who participated in the drive, as well as all those who contributed: Black Forest Fire & Rescue, Nizhomi Health Center, R & R Coffee & CafÈ, Black Forest Jeweler, Rockiní B Feed and Supply, Black Forest Together Resource Center, Black Forest Liquor, Firehouse on the Run, Colorado Cats, Black Forest Postal Service & Convenience Store, Black Forest Pies and Grinders.

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