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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

Our newspaper is on the stands July 4; and, on that day, I am always reminded of the beauty of this country and one of my favorite songs: ìAmerica the Beautiful.î Katharine Lee Bates first wrote America the Beautiful as a poem, and she came up with her words atop of Pikes Peak. The view is definitely inspiring. Later on, Samuel A. Ward composed the lyrics for Batesí poem.ìAmerica the Beautifulî was a contender for the national anthem; however, in 1931, President Herbert Hoover signed a law proclaiming the Star Spangled Banner as the national anthem. Many who were rooting for ìAmerica the Beautifulî were upset, apparently some would still like to change the anthem. Petitions to change the anthem to ìAmerica the Beautifulî have popped up online as recent as 2014.I like both songs; but, a few weeks ago, I was reminded of the beauty of our country; as I hiked Garden of the Gods with a good friend. I havenít done that in years. Sometimes, we get complacent about the beauty that exists right outside our back door in Colorado. However, as I half-heartedly counted the dozens of out-of-state license plates in the Garden of the Gods parking lot, I was reminded that people from all over the country flock to Colorado for a variety of breathtaking sights.I am hoping to take advantage of those Colorado sights this summer, and also hoping that the weather doesnít dampen anyoneís plans for an active summer. And if it is bad weather, stay inside. With all the flooding and hail that weíve been having, it can be dangerous out there. Speaking of flooding, check out Jason Grayís article this month on floods and road damage in the area ó and why we donít have tornado sirens ó that many of us remember as kids.Regarding this monthís issue, Angie Morlanís Face to Face column is absent from the NFH. Angieís father has been ill, and she has been back and forth from Colorado to Minnesota to support her parents. Also, Angie is juggling the duties of motherhood with the duties of work and church. Face to Face will be back in August.Something else I wanted to mention this month is the importance of communication, specifically related to our sources. We call many people in the community to try to get answers to the issues in the area. We call county commissioners, school board members, metro district board members, business owners, managers, to name a few. If we donít hear back, we are going to state that the person called did not get back to us ó and that usually raises a red flag with readers. Sometimes, a source doesnít approve or denies a statement that a reporter used in an article. When people see their words on paper, they often regret what they have said. And all of our reporters heed an intervieweeís call for ìoff the recordî (although itís not ìlawî that they have to do so). So, for the sake of the readers and the integrity of any organization (including our newspaper), I am asking you to answer our calls.Happy Fourth of July, and weíll see you in August. Meanwhile, please support our advertisers.– MichelleMore on hailIf the weather is threatening a hail storm, remember to bring pets and furniture inside and bring vehicles in the garage. Draw curtains and blinds and stay away from windows, including skylights and sliding glass doors. Stay indoors.If you are in a car, stop driving! Pull under a sturdy shelter (like a carwash or gas station) to avoid hail damage to the car. If no shelter is available, pull off the road and cover your head in case of breaking glass. Donít leave your vehicle.

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