AFT RanchThe El Paso County Planning Commission heard a request by Nancy Shea of the AFT Ranch for approval of a minor subdivision of a 39.64-acre parcel, located west of the intersection of Howells Road and Timber Lane in Black Forest. The plan is for two residential lots for two single-family residences. The parcel is zoned Residential Rural. The commissioners unanimously approved the request.Meridian RanchThe El Paso County Board of County Commissioners heard a resolution to award an urban park grant to Meridian Service Metropolitan District for Longview Park, Phase 2. The park is located within the Meridian Ranch development and will support the construction of a large playground, with various playground equipment, a pavilion, picnic tables, benches and a water fountain. The budget for Phase 2 is $96,163, with $25,000 funded by the grant. The board approved the resolution.The commissioners also heard a resolution to approve a Parks Land Agreement with developer GTL Inc. The agreement would credit the developer for previous payment of urban park fees, required by the EPC Land Development Code; because GTL had indicated their intention to construct urban park amenities within Filing No. 8. The EPC Community Services Department estimates the fees total $25,665. The BOCC approved the resolution.Paint Brush Hills Filing No. 13AThe BOCC also heard a request for the final release of funds for improvements necessary to complete Paint Brush Hills Filing No. 13A, totaling $6,065.40, plus accrued interest. One-hundred percent of the improvements have been completed, and passed inspection by the county. The commissioners approved the request.Sterling RanchThe commissioners heard a request by Morley-Bentley Investments LLC, 8335 Vollmer Road LLC, Arvest Bank and SR Land LLC for a preliminary plan approval of 182.26 acres located east of Vollmer Road, north of Woodmen Road and west of Meridian Road. The preliminary plan includes 457 single-family lots, six commercial lots and tracts to be used for open space, drainage and public right-of-way. The area is zoned Commercial Service and Residential Suburban. The plans indicated that Sterling Ranch Metro District will provide central water, and the Meridian Service Metropolitan District will provide waste water services. The BOCC approved the resolution.Black Forest Reserve Filing No. 3The board heard a request by Black Forest Partners LLC for final plat approval of a 254.53-acre Planned Unit Development subdivision in Black Forest Reserve Filing No. 3. The property is located west of Meridian Road, adjacent to the Woodlake subdivision, and north of Murphy Road. The subdivision includes 53 single-family lots, with a minimum lot size of 2.5 acres. The BOCC approved the resolution.