In comparing Falcon School District 49 salaries with other districts in the area, D 49 is just about spot on.Falcon School District 49:
- Assistant Director for Special Services: $77,800
- Four Zone Leaders: from $119,800 to $135,500
- Manager of Risk and Expelled Students: $83,500
- iConnect Solutions Coordinator: $85,900
- Human Resources Manager: $77,000
- Executive Director of Learning Services: $109,100
- Executive Director of Individualized Education: $105,400
- Director of Transportation: $101,000
- Director of School Safety and Security: $94,200
- Director of Human Resources: $99,400
- Director of Nutrition Services: $96,600
- Director of Concurrent Enrollment: $96,025
- Director of Communications: $99,400
- Director of Career and Technical Education: $95,300
- Coordinator of English Language Development: $91,100
- Coordinator of Cultural Capacity: $91,600
- Coordinator of 21st Century/STEM: $79,200
- Chief Operations Officer: $127,900
- Chief Education Officer: $142,200
- Chief Business Officer: $131,800
- Executive Director of Student Services: $96,591
- Executive Director of Procurement: $104,553
- Three Executive Directors for K-12 Schools: from $96,591 to $108,777
- Executive Director of Human Resources: $104,553
- Executive Director of Facilities, Operations and Transportation: $104,553
- Executive Director of Educational Data and Support Services: $108,777
- Assistant Superintendent/Chief Information Officer: $125,153
- Assistant Superintendent/Instruction/Curriculum/Student Services: $120,293
- Deputy Superintendent ñ Business Services: $131,683
- Deputy Superintendent ñ Personnel Support Services: $134,023
- Superintendent: $223,617
- Public Information Officer: $105,101.45
- Executive Director for Facilities: $115,240.65
- Executive Director for Security and Transportation: $123,806.25
- Director for Legal Relations: $124,374.01
- Executive Director for Learning Services: $113,000
- Legal Counsel: $83,919.25
- Chief Financial Officer: $146,771.66
- Chief Information Officer: $148,674.55
- Assistant Superintendent for Learning Services: $142,017.08
- Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources: $144,575.60
- Deputy Superintendent: $161,046.07
- Superintendent: $219,197.03
- Directors: from $95,000 to $105,000
- Assistant Superintendent and Superintendent: from $135,000 to $150,000