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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

FFPD June board meeting

The Falcon Fire Protection District held its regular board meeting June 18. All seated directors were present, as was attorney Richard Shearer, legal counsel for the district.Board vacancyD. Kelly Starkman submitted the only application for the board seat vacated by Greg Heule, and the board unanimously voted to appoint Starkman to the board. Dan Kupferer, board president, swore inStarkman.Treasurerís reportChief Trent Harwig reported that with 42 percent of the fiscal year complete, 56 percent of anticipated revenue has been received. Overall expenses are at 47 percent, which includes the annual lease purchase payment for Station 1. Excluding that expense, Harwig said overall expensesare 2 percent under budget.Harwig and the board members discussed the need to prioritize and start planning for major expenses, such as apparatus replacement.Chiefís reportHarwig reported thatVernon Champlin, fire marshal, resigned following the May board meeting.Two part-time staff positions have been created. Margo Humes is the new fire prevention specialist, and Toby Saben is now the training coordinator. Humes has previously worked with several local fire departments and has experience in fire prevention, inspections and fire investigation. Saben is a former FFPD firefighter now employed by the Colorado Springs Fire Department.Election expensesHarwig reported that the district has received a printing bill for $9,250 for 6,000 ballots for the May board election. By comparison, Harwig said 400 ballots were printed for the 2010 special board election at a cost of $918, and half went unused. In 2011, 300 ballots were printed at a cost of $710.Board members discussed the fact that Leon Gomes, the designated election official, did not consult with the board or Harwig on the number of ballots recommended for the 2013 election; nor did the district authorize the printing of 6,000 ballots. Director Joan Hathcock said that since the district did not place the order directly with the printing company, the bill is between Gomesís company and the printer. ìTo spend ninety-two-hundred dollars is ridiculous,î she said. Harwig agreed: ìWe would never have authorized that many.îHowever, the board decided to pay for 1,000 ballots, which is the number Harwig and the board had previously determined would be adequate for this election.Pay, leave and allowance updateHarwig said line and staff salaries are calculated under the Fair Labor Standards Act. He requested modifications to accommodate the two new part-time staff positions, as well as proposed bereavement pay guidelines that were overlooked when the new schedule was created. The board will review the revisions at the July meeting.Chief contract renewalHarwigís contract expired in 2013, and he has been working day-to-day since then. Shearer recommended that Harwig review his contract and present any proposed changes to legal counsel. The board will review the proposed contract terms at the July meeting.MOU for plan reviewsThe board and legal counsel reviewed and discussed a Memorandum of Understanding for the city to perform plan reviews and conduct technical inspections, which were previously the FFPD fire marshalís responsibilities. Shearer said the MOU is ìgood for the builder; itís good for the city;and itís good for us.î The board approved the MOU with one correction.

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