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From the Publisher

From the Publisher

March has something for everyone. If you like sports, thereís March Madness and the start of baseball season. If you love film actors, thereís the Academy Awards. For the Irish (and the Irish wannabeís), thereís St. Patrickís Day. For the history buffs, itís Womenís History Month. For the animal lovers, March 1 is National Pig Day.March is fickle when it comes to the weather ñ one day itís snowing and the next day itís sunny and 70. Colorado skiers welcome spring skiing ñ when jackets are thin and sunscreen is thick.ìIn like a lion and out like a lambî has been the mantra of March since the 17th century. March is the month of unknowns and the light at the end of winterís tunnel.Speaking of unknowns, in the past couple of months, weíve had glitches in our fairly new newspaper layout design that has resulted in things like misplaced paragraphs and subheads. Our No. 1 priority is to bring you a clean, concise and easy-to-read newspaper. We are working through the problems and making a few changes in our proofing process to meet your expectations ñ and ours.Youíll also note that some months our sports coverage is better than others. Because we are a monthly newspaper, itís a challenge to keep it interesting and impossible to keep it up-to-date. We would like to focus on short stories that spotlight teams or individuals ñ of all ages. Weíre open, and we welcome your ideas and newsy sports blasts! Coaches and parents: Send us your ìstuff.î†We have an array of stories this month, from stormwater drainage issues to marijuana taxes benefitting schools. Weíre in the ìweedsî with marijuana stories since the whole legalization thing is an ongoing work in progress. Donít forget to support local business! And donít forget to change that clock: ìspring forwardî March 9.Enjoy March, and think spring! †See you in April!– Michelle

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