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Falcon Fire Protection District (FFPD)

FFPD November board meeting

The Falcon Fire Protection District held its regular board meeting Nov. 20. All directors were present except for Mike Smaldino, who participated via conference call, and Henry Allen, who was excused for a prior commitment. Attorney Richard Shearer, legal counsel for the district, was also present.Public commentDick Stuart spoke about an unnamed person or group of people making references to a ìgood old boysî network that purportedly runs FFPD. Stuart, a former Falcon fire chief and FFPD board member, said the so-called ìgood old boysî are taxpayers, landowners and residents of the district who are responsible for getting the fire district to where it is today. ìThey were the movers and shakers who worked behind the scenes to get the previous and only two tax levies passed since this district was formed,î he said.Stuart referenced Issue 5E, the FFPD mill levy increase approved by voters in November 2011 to maintain staffing and service levels. He noted the mill levy increase passed by only 78 votes. Acknowledging the efforts of Friends of Falcon Fire and the local International Association of Firefighters, Stuart said, ìThe real work was done behind the scenes by the ëgood old boysí and their networks of friends, relatives and business partners.ìThe ëgood old boys,í as a group, have no interest in running the Falcon Fire Protection District. Most have done their time and really do not want the headaches. But do always keep in mind: They do own it. They are the taxpayer.îTerry Reed read a statement alleging that some unnamed board members and firefighters have attempted to ìdominate, disrupt and destroy what was a well-managed department.î Reed said these people ìhave forgotten key words like serve, pride and respect.î He also singled out an unidentified board member who ìhas not acted in a way that is in the best interest of the district, paid staff, the volunteer staff or the people served by the district.î He said, ìYou can bet that the community will deal with and rectify the current issue of defiant and nonrepresentational board members … in the next election.î He also suggested that ìa few immediate resignationsî might help to rebuild unity in the district.Former FFPD volunteer and board member Phyllis Anderson said, ìIf it wasnít for the volunteers who started this department, there would not be a department here. The community is losing respect and trust in the board and the fire department with all the turmoil that is going on.î She said the board would be ìbetterî if its members quit playing politics and focused on solving the problems.Cory Galicia, former FFPD battalion chief, asked if a resolution had been reached concerning the allegations documented in the Mountain States Employers Council investigative report. Chief Trent Harwig said actions were being taken. Because the issue involves personnel matters, it could not be discussed in public. ìItís ridiculous what this department has come to, and itís ridiculous what certain board members are allowing firefighters to do to destroy this department that weíve worked so hard to build up,î Galicia said. He then asked that director Greg Heule resign from the board.Director Dan Kupferer said he couldnít disagree with anything that was said. He called the board ìentirely dysfunctionalî and said nothing would change unless the secrecy stopped and public matters were discussed in public.Speaking as a citizen and taxpayer of the district and not in his role as board president, Kelly Starkman said it was his opinion there was a conspiracy that ìtransformed fundamentally this fire protection districtî and that Heule played a key role. Starkman alleged that Heule mishandled ìallegations of inappropriate behavior by management staff,î investigated those allegations on his own for six weeks and ìarranged for temporary fulfillment of management positions during a suspension that hadnít even occurred or been discussed or brought to my or the vice presidentís attention.î Saying that he was ìreally tired of the witch hunt,î Starkman concluded by asking for Heuleís resignation.When asked for comment, Smaldino said, ìIím just in shock. Iím sorry people feel the way they do. I joined this board to make the Falcon fire district better … but Iíll tell you, Iím very disappointed with the last statement and some of the other statements.îDirector Heule had no comment but later spoke to The New Falcon Herald. (See separate article.)Treasurer’s reportHarwig reported that 83 percent of the fiscal year was complete, and budget expenditures were also at 83 percent, as of Oct. 31. The district has received 100 percent of its anticipated revenues.Harwig said the district is currently $10,635 under budget. However, there are still significant expenditures coming up, including legal fees, 800 mHz radio system network user fees and the SCBA compressor/cascade system. Harwig said the budget at the end of this fiscal year will be close. ìWe have suspended any unnecessary expenditures,î he said. Operations will continue as usual, and service to district residents will not be affected, he added.The Rural Water Fund balance is $90,442. FFPD is working with the Black Forest Reserve to determine potential locations for a dry hydrant and possibly a cistern.Chief’s reportThe chief of Cimarron Hills Fire Protection District has expressed interest in pursuing collaborative efforts and possibly a future contractual agreement to protect FFPD District 4. Harwig said this idea needs to be carefully analyzed to determine the benefits and risks of such a partnership, especially since FFPD is facing a $60,000 shortfall next year. He will update the board as the discussion progresses.All district apparatus is in service with the exception of one engine with a pump leak. Service to the citizens is not affected because the district has two other engines available.Hammer Construction has been contracted to replace the doors between the living quarters and apparatus bay at Station 3.Pension boardTrustees Curtis Kauffman, Cory Galicia, Dan Kupferer, Greg Heule and Kelly Starkman were in attendance.The pension fund is doing well as a result of strong financial markets.The district has been contributing more than the minimum amount required to keep the pension fund sound, according to the latest actuarial study. Trustees discussed and approved reducing contributions to the minimum. They also discussed and approved an increase in retirement benefits for fully vested personnel to $460 per month.Memberís handbook updateThe board of directors held a special meeting/work session Nov. 6 to review the revised membersí handbook. Directors approved the draft that will be circulated to the membership for comments and questions.2014 budget updateThe 2014 budget hearing will be held during the Dec. 11 regular board meeting to be able to certify the mill levy to the county by Dec. 15.

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