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Health and Wellness

Decrease child’s screen time for healthier life

With more electronic entertainment options than ever before, it can be harder to get children up and moving. Setting limits on time spent with electronic devices is important. During the last 20 years, the number of children in the United States who are physically active has decreased, while the number of children who are overweight has doubled.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average American child spends more than four hours in front of a screen each day (with TV, movies, video games, mobile devices or a computer). Children who spend more hours watching TV are less active and have a higher risk for becoming overweight. Children need physical activity every day to be healthy. Decreasing screen time gives your child an opportunity to discover other fun activities.You can make a big impact in your childís life by taking these simple steps suggested by the American Academy of Pediatrics:

  • Remove TV sets from your childís bedroom. Kids who watch television in their rooms watch an average of 4.6 more hours a week and are more likely to be overweight.
  • Limit childrenís total media time to two hours or less per day. Screen time includes TVs, computers, mobile devices and video games.
  • Set some limits. For example, do not allow TV during meal times or homework, or limit TV to specific days and times.
  • Help everyone remember time limits by using a timer. When the bell rings, it is time to turn off the TV or other electronic devices.
  • Encourage alternative entertainment for children. Try something that includes both physical and social activities, such as joining school and community clubs, taking classes or being active with the family.
  • Be a role model for your children and set a good example by reducing your own screen time. Children whose parents watch more than two hours of TV per day spend significantly more time watching TV, scanning the Internet and playing video games.
As you begin to reduce your screen time, try new activities together. Even quiet play like board games or reading is a healthy alternative. Indoor activities can include puzzles, art activities, listening to music and reading books. Explore free events in your community or library, and get to know the local parks and nature centers. Having some ideas or a list of activities for your family to do can help when children need an alternative to television or screen time.For information on reducing screen time in your home, visit or

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