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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Trouble, trouble, troubleWhen police pulled Omar Medina, age 26, over for possible drunk driving in Kent, Wash., the officer asked him for his driverís license. Instead, Medina asked the officer if he wanted a beer. After the officer turned down the beer, Medina told him he was an assassin for the U.S. government and had killed numerous people ñ and he was immune from any potential charges. Seriously? In the end, the officer discovered Medina had three prior DUI charges and a suspended license. As if the police donít have enough to do.Scared straight?Marius Ionescu, age 31, was robbing a home in Romania when a noise in the house scared him. He said he feared that another robber was coming in the house, so he hid under the bed and called the police. When the police arrived, there was no one else in the house. They surmised that the ìnoiseî Ionescu heard came from the family cat. Time for a new line of work.

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