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Health and Wellness

Subway: You can gain weight

It’s been more than 10 years since Jared Fogle captured the world’s attention by losing more than 200 pounds eating only at Subway. Here’s a recap of his famous story:In March of 1998, Jared was a college student who weighed a staggering 425 pounds ñ a lot of weight for anyone to handle, let alone a busy college student. One day, Jared made the decision to change his life.He knew that his diet would need to change drastically but also wanted to keep things simple so he could stick with it. A Subway restaurant near his apartment caught his eye. Sandwiches were healthier than burgers, right?His simple plan was to eat the same thing every day:Breakfast – coffeeLunch – “I ate the 6-inch turkey, tons of vegetables, including hot peppers and a bit of spicy mustard.” He left off the mayonnaise and cheese and had a bag of Baked LaysÆ potato chips and a diet soft drinkDinner – Footlong veggie sub – again no mayonnaise or cheese.You probably know the rest of the story. With his Subway diet and exercise, Jarod dropped the pounds and became a spokesman for Subway, sharing his story and inspiring millions of people.Suddenly, Subway became synonymous with healthy eating.Have you looked at a Subway napkin? It lists seven of their lighter sandwiches. At the bottom, it compares these sandwiches to the Big Mac and the Whopper, burgers that hold 31 and 40 grams of fat, respectively.The Subway meal is much healthier, right? Well, yes ñ and no.Go back to your napkin and read the small print. The seven sandwiches listed are calculated with only bread, veggies and meat. If you add cheese, mayonnaise or oil (as most people do) then you need to recalculate the numbers.I’ve done the math for you, with a 6″ roasted chicken breast sandwich.
Let’s not forget the side items:
You probably don’t get all of the extras when you eat at Subway, but that’s not the point. The point I’d like you to take away from this is that you shouldn’t classify any restaurant as ìhealthy.îYou could gain weight eating anywhere, just like you could lose weight eating anywhere.Jared’s weight loss happened when he drastically cut calories and started to exercise. He could have done this at any restaurant. In fact, last year a woman from Virginia claimed to have lost 75 pounds by eating exclusively at Starbucks.Your weight loss success all comes down to choices.Each day, you make choices that directly influence your weight. Do you get mayonnaise on your sandwich? Will one cookie hurt? Will one missed workout really make a difference?You decide.At some point you reach your breaking point. For Jared it was 425 pounds. For you it might be when you buy the next size up. Or when you feel new aches and pains. Or when your doctor sits you down to have the talk.I know that sooner or later you will decide that you are worth it. You’ll decide that your health is important. You’ll decide that you deserve to look great. And you’ll dig down deep to do what it takes to achieve amazing results.I’m here to help you when you’re ready.The best lower body exercise:Most fitness experts agree that squats are the most effective lower body exercise ñ the squat is so versatile. By making a few adjustments in foot placement you’re able to concentrate the exercise on different portions of your lower body.Bring your feet in to a narrow stance, and you’ll concentrate more on your quads. Bring your feet to a wide stance, and you’ll activate more of your glutes.Always remember to push your hips back as you go down and to avoid leaning forward with your knees.RECIPE OF THE MONTHWild Green Salad with Beets & AsparagusHere’s a delicious salad recipe to serve with your dinner. Tender asparagus, sweet beets and crunchy apples make this salad far from ordinary. The simple recipe below for homemade dressing contains none of the chemicals and preservatives of store bought dressing. Servings: 6Here’s what you need:For the healthy salad dressing1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard, organic1/4 cup red wine vinegar1/4 cup olive oil2 Tbsp. fresh orange juice1 Tbsp. dried, ground mint1 packet SteviaFor the beet & asparagus salad3 beets1 bunch asparagus1 apple, chopped2 celery stalks, chopped4 cups mixed greens1. For the dressing: Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl and whisk until well combined. Set aside.2. Trim the ends from each beet. Place in a small pot of water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Remove from the water and allow to cool before peeling and slicing. Set aside.3. Trim the ends from the asparagus and cut into 1-inch pieces. Bring a small pot of water to boil and fill a medium bowl with ice and cold water. Add the asparagus pieces and boil for about 3 minutes, until bright green. Remove from the hot water and throw into the ice bowl for 20 seconds. Remove from the water and set aside.4. Place the mixed greens in a large salad bowl and top with the beets, asparagus, apple and celery. Drizzle with the dressing and serve.Nutritional Analysis: 134 calories, 9g fat, 131mg sodium, 10g carbohydrate, 4g fiber, and 4g protein

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