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Letters to the Editor

Response to January letter on D 49 board

I do not have any school aged children. I do pay taxes. Having read Mr. Butcherís comments (January) on the D-49 school board I must say this: in 2010 the board eliminated 2 positions and it cost the taxpayers over $700,000.00 (contract stipulations) then they suspended bus service because they did not have the funds to provide bus service.The average salary for†each board member is over $100,000. (The D49 janitorial supervisor makes 80k.) So it would seem that the answer is not to add more dead weight but to 1) reduce board member salaries, the incompetence that wastes 700k should not continue to be rewarded; 2) get someone on the board who has the childrenís educational interests at heart, instead of their constituents; and 3) to eliminate all contracts when hiring and make the administrators more accountable. I personally find the educational system (D49 especially) a shameful example of the ìentitledî generation: The current group of politicians and school administrators who have no conscience when it comes to enriching themselves at the taxpayersí expense and denying the children of this country an education.Art Wilson

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