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Health and Wellness

Keep children active and eating healthy this summer

With the weather improving and schools about to recess for the summer, now is a good time to plan healthful and fun summer activities and menus to keep kids active and energized.†Efforts to increase physical activity and healthy eating in families are important.El Paso County has not escaped the national obesity epidemic. According to a newly released report from El Paso County Public Health, about four out of every 10 adults are overweight, two out of 10 adults are obese and more than 28 percent of children are at an unhealthy weight in the county. The trend toward overweight residents and obesity in the county and state has doubled in the past 15 years and is a contributing factor to the rise in diagnoses of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension in both adults and children.A group of community partners is working together to address the alarming trend in El Paso County. Their goal is to stop the upward trend of obesity in the county within the next five years and reverse the trend in the coming decade. The group, called the Healthy Community Collaborative, includes representatives from schools, hospitals and health systems, nonprofit organizations, city and county government agencies, public health, medical providers and interested citizens. Over the next several years, the Healthy Community Collaborative will investigate and implement strategies to advocate better nutritional choices; increase healthy food options for adults and children in†schools, work places and neighborhoods; create changes in the community and environment to increase opportunities for physical activity; and promote other behaviors and policies that reduce the risk for obesity.Helping families create ways to be active together and enjoy healthy, nutritious foods is a key focus of the collaborative efforts.Families can get started on the road to healthy weight by following these simple strategies from LiveWell Colorado:

  • Swap out full-fat and sugar-added yogurts for nonfat Greek-style yogurt. Itís strained, so itís thicker and creamier without the extra fat or additives. Mix in a little bit of frozen or fresh fruit for a more substantial snack.
  • Use salad plates for dinner. The average salad plate is 9 inches in diameter, where the average dinner/entree plate is 12 inches. Since 1970, our plates have increased in size by about 20 percent, and our average caloric intake has increased by the same percentage.
  • Take a brisk walk around the neighborhood. Just five city blocks will cover about a one-half-mile area and burn around 100 calories.
  • Take the fun outside when the weather is nice. Create games such as hopscotch or foursquare using†chalk on the sidewalk, build a fort or ride bikes. A 165-pound person will burn about 185 calories for 30 minutes of running around with children.
For more information on the Healthy Community Collaborative or to join the community conversation, visit

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