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June primary voting by mail only

The El Paso County Elections Department is conducting the June 26 primary election as an all-mail ballot election.Affiliated registered voters will receive a mail ballot for the 2012 primary election, if their individual party has a contested election in El Paso County, said Liz Olsen, manager of the elections department.All El Paso County voters affiliated with the Republican Party will receive mail ballots because Republicans Doug Bergeron, Robert Blaha and incumbent Doug Lamborn are vying for the Republican nomination for Congressional District 5.In the Falcon area, Republican voters will choose between Amy Stephens and Marsha Looper for Republican nominee for Colorado House District 19.ìThe Democratic Party does not have any contested races in El Paso County,î said Christy LeLait, executive director of the El Paso County Democratic Party.ìThe law allows us to cancel a primary election if there are no contested races because those candidates are just deemed elected and move directly on to the general election,î Olsen said.According to the calendar posted at the elections department Web site, unaffiliated voters have until May 25 to change their affiliation and vote in the primary election.Other pertinent dates:

  • May 27: cutoff date for residency
  • May 29: last day to register to vote in the primary
  • June 4: elections department can begin mailing ballots to voters
  • June 18: first day mail ballots can be dropped off at designated locations
  • June 26: ballots must be in the hands of the county clerk by 7 p.m.
Adults who are not registered to vote can register online at http://GoVoteColorado.com. Registered voters can change their party affiliation or verify their registration at this Web site as well.

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