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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

DEAD HEAD:Lee E. Lewis, 28, of Hollywood, Fla., is described by his long-time friend Jessica Wilpon as “a goofy kid who is very smart but can seem stupid, too.” The occasion: Lewis was evicted from his apartment and then broke down on a major expressway in Miami. Police say he parked his car ñ a hearse ñ under the overpass of a major expressway, checked under the hood and then walked off. Not too weird, except that passers-by could apparently see the car was loaded with weapons, including what looked like automatic rifles, ammunition and a military rocket launcher. Someone called the police who shut down the expressway for nearly six hours as they checked the vehicle as a potential car bomb. All of the weapons turned out to be fake; there were no explosives, police said. But Lewis was arrested the next day and held on bond pending a mental health evaluation. “He really is a good kid and he means well, but at times there is a lack of common sense,” Wilpon said. “If you know him, though, this story is hilarious.” (MS/South Florida Sun-Sentinel) … And if you don’t know him, this story is hilarious.DRIVERS WANTED:The Community Service Patrol in Anchorage, Alaska, picks up people for a “sleep-off center” where drunks can, well, sleep it off in safety. As their van sat on the street to pick up another passenger, a taxi pulled up and the passenger got out, got into the van, “revved the engine and took off,” a police spokesman said. The driver took it the wrong way on a one-way street, causing traffic to scatter and a flood of calls to 911. He then hit a tour bus, continued on despite a flat tire and stopped in front of a bar. A witness flagged down police and pointed the driver out. Donny H. Weston, 35, was charged with vehicle theft, criminal mischief, leaving the scene of an accident, driving while intoxicated, driving without a valid license and reckless endangerment. The passengers in the back? They had no idea that anything was out of the ordinary. (RC/Anchorage Daily News) …”Yeah,” one said. “He drove just like we all do.”Source:

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