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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

TO EACH HIS GALATEAHe calls himself Ned Nefer, and he calls Teagan his wife. Officially, “Nefer” is a shortened name, and Teagan is a mannequin. Nefer, 38, was spotted pushing Teagan from Syracuse, N.Y., to the old Children’s Home in Watertown where he said they met. At the time, she was only a head; he made her body and on Halloween 1986 made her his wife, he said. Although someone called authorities, the Jefferson County sheriff left him alone. “I wouldn’t classify him as dangerous at all,” said social welfare examiner Lisa Spear. “He seemed quite happy in his own little world.” (AC/Watertown Daily Times)SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECYMark Wilkinson of Birmingham, England, took his new boat into West Bay harbor in Dorset for its maiden voyage. It sank and the 40-something-year-old captain had to be rescued by the harbor master. “It’s all a bit embarrassing,” Wilkinson said afterward, “and I got pretty fed up with people asking me if I had hit an iceberg.” Er, what? Yes, well, the registered name of the boat was Titanic II. (RC/London Telegraph)Source:

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