Check out ISO ratingsThe Falcon Fire Protection District has discovered that some Falcon residents have been classified with an incorrect ISO (International Organization for Standardization) rating. While not all insurance companies use ISO ratings to determine the cost of homeowners insurance, many companies do.Since the FFPD was redesignated from an ISO rating of 6 to 5 last fall, some residents may need to check with their insurance companies to see if they have made the change. “I don’t think a lot of people know to check,” said Fire Chief Trent Harwig. “Just call your insurance company and see what rating they have you at.”It is a crucial time to look into ISO ratings in Falcon since the district is facing a budget shortfall if property taxes decrease in the area. If residents are taxed less, the fire department will lose revenue and will need to consider closing stations and laying off employees, which will likely bring the ISO rating up. Harwig said an increased mill levy would be preferable over an increased ISO rating.Budget reportThe use of smaller vehicles has saved $500 in fuel over the course of one month. This includes using quick response vehicles over larger trucks, which the district plans to do more often. The district has also been making its loan payments early. This year, the district made the June payment in January, which saved money on interest.Falcon Fire recognized by Knox CompanyThe Knox Company recognized the Falcon Fire Department in the winter issue of the “Rapid Access” newsletter. Falcon was noted for installing nondestructive emergency access equipment in commercial buildings in Falcon. Harwig said the implementation of the new devices began at the same time Falcon was experiencing a rapid increase in new construction, making the implementation easier.Strategic plan updateThe district has finished collecting data for the future strategic plan and has begun the process of compiling the information. Once the draft is available, the district will seek public input. The plan does not currently provide for apparatus replacement. The district is looking at different options, including opting for refurbishing engines rather than replacing them and formulating a replacement timeline that will save money for future replacements.
Falcon fire district update
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