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Health and Wellness

What happens to kids who don’t get adjusted?

Several weeks ago, I was adjusting a family who had been under my care for several years. This family consisted of a dad, mom and two boys. Before starting chiropractic care, the oldest had already experienced ear infections and been on three antibiotics by the time he was 9 weeks old. His mother had trouble nursing him, and he was constantly constipated. She brought him to me at 10 weeks old, desperate for some help.When she gave birth to her second child, she was in my office with the newborn on their way home from the hospital when he was 3 days old. He was adjusted that first day and periodically after that. Their visits tapered off as the boys continued to grow and their family got busier and busier. However, they resumed care with me a year or so ago when mom was at her wits end – her youngest had missed 41 days of school last year because of headaches and stomach aches and was struggling to get through school.As I worked on the kids this day, Melissa, their mom, was marveling at how their lives had changed with chiropractic care. There had been no ear infections at all since that first adjustment with her infant son. To this day, she said she told many people about the wonderful change she had seen in her new baby after those first few adjustments. And recently, there had not even been any colds for almost a year. The youngest, now in third grade, had not missed one day of school and was one of the top students in his class!As Melissa testified to me about these miraculous changes, she asked me a question I had never been asked before. She asked, “Dr. Fran, what happens to kids who never get adjusted?”I answered her in the following way. “Well, some kids have a lifetime of recurrent illnesses, much like you and your kids were experiencing prior to coming in for care. But most of them … they are just average kids.” She looked at me with wonder on her face as I said this, and she followed up with another question, “I don’t understand! Are you saying that most kids don’t need chiropractic care?””NO!” I replied, “Not at all! Here is what I mean by that. There is nothing wrong with a child being average, if that is his or her potential! But, what if that’s NOT her potential? What if she was meant to be something much more than average? Even if she is meant to be what we call average, she will not even reach that level if her brain and body can’t communicate effectively with each other.”The only way for your children to reach their potential in life is to have healthy spines and clear nerve system connections so they can adapt to all of the physical, chemical and mental stresses they encounter each day. That way, their energy can be used to access higher levels of creative thought instead of just trying to get through the day. In other words, they have the best possible chance of reaching their full potential in life!She looked at me and began to get tears in her eyes as she realized fully for the first time just how important their chiropractic care had been.Too often when I tell people that I am a chiropractor, they say, “I’ve been lucky, no back problems! I don’t need your services!” Or I will have a patient who will report that their child is fighting yet another ear infection and they are considering tubes; or their child can’t stand still, much less concentrate because he has ADHD. I’ve had kids tell me they “just don’t get math.” And, too often, when I suggest chiropractic care and getting adjusted as a way of allowing a better functioning nervous system, I get an answer that sounds like “but my child doesn’t complain of back pain.”I then tell those people and friends and their families the importance of having the whole family adjusted regularly. I know it can seem hard to understand, especially when the kids are asymptomatic, but we cannot make this mistake! Everyone needs to be adjusted, EVERYONE! It is the only way for society as a whole to grow and move forward into the next phase of our evolution.Each day we tell our friends, clients, families and people we meet, wherever we happen to be, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We tell them about the miracle of perfection that exists in each and every one of us. Then, we strive to introduce them to chiropractic so they can begin getting adjusted, and the awesome Power that made us can resume expressing itself maximally in them and in the world! That way, even when people are “average,” it will be a totally different experience than what “average” is today.

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