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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

SAY WHAT?When a woman in Calgary, Alta., Canada, called police to report a burglary, one of the officers to respond was Const. Charanjit Meharu, an immigrant from India. The hysterical victim already had a list of everything stolen. Then her phone rang. She spoke to her father in Quebec and explained in French that “she and her boyfriend made up the story to make an insurance claim,” Meharu said later. “By the end [of the call], I had about 10 pages of notes, and I said, ‘Merci beaucoup.’ She didn’t expect a brown guy to speak French.” The officer speaks seven languages. (Calgary Sun) … Though which ones remain a state secret.SURE-FIRE PLANDwayne Lamont Moten, 20, was estranged from his wife and came up with a way to prove his wife was a bad mother so he could gain custody of their 3-year-old son. Moten hired a friend to shoot him, police in Dallas, Texas, say, so he could testify his wife’s boyfriend did it. “Two individuals trying to frame a third individual,” a police spokesman said. Investigators said the friend, Jacob Wheeler, 20, fired the shots, but Moten “realized he was shot a little worse than he had planned” and began screaming for help. Too late: He died, and Wheeler has been charged with murder. “There are legal ways to get custody of a child,” the police investigator said. “Taking a bullet, and ultimately dying, is definitely not one of those ways.” (KDFW-TV)Source:

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