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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

WOULD YOU BELIEVE?Stephen Blackman of New Plymouth, New Zealand, had a wild defense for tax evasion. “You may have been confused by forms provided to you by my company, which contained impressive numbers preceded by a ‘$’ symbol,” he admitted to the Inland Revenue Department, but “I am unaware of the meaning of this symbol.” Blackman failed to declare NZ$300,000 (US$204,000) in income, but his employer had properly reported it. When the IRD took him to court, Blackman pleaded guilty to two charges of filing false or incomplete tax returns. (Taranaki Daily News) …He may not know the meaning of “#,” either, but that could end up on his shirt for 3-5 years.CONVENIENT TARGETJim Harris, 56, was sitting in the recliner in his Tavernier, Fla., home when “I leaned over to turn on the lamp,” he says, “and kapow!” Bubba fell on him. “Bubba” is what he calls the 200-pound stuffed head of a water buffalo, which was mounted on his wall. Harris estimates he was unconscious for two hours and when he woke up he was trapped under the thing. He was able to reach his cell phone, though, and called for help. It took four rescuers to get Bubba off him. “I guess it’s payback for the buffalo, but I’m not even the guy who shot him,” Harris said. “This is so embarrassing to get my ass kicked by a dead water buffalo.” (Miami Herald) …Nature always gets the last laugh.Source:

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