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Health and Wellness

Take care of your heart … so it can take care of you

When we think of February, it’s hard not to think of hearts – hearts and flowers, heart-shaped balloons and heart-shaped chocolate candy (only in moderation, of course).As you celebrate all things of the heart this month, think about taking care of your heart. Screening tests to help prevent heart attack and stroke can be costly, especially if you don’t have adequate insurance.Yet, these facts are chilling:

  • Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and a primary contributor to many long-term disabilities.
  • Heart disease leads to more deaths in women than men each year; and women are more likely than men to die within a year of a heart attack.
That’s why the Health Department offers Wise for Life, a program for women age 40 through 64 who are uninsured or underinsured and meet income eligibility requirements. The goal of Wise for Life is to provide participants with the knowledge, skills and resources they need to improve their diet, physical activity and other elements of their lives. These changes are proven to be important in preventing, delaying or managing cardiovascular disease and other health problems.Women who participate in Wise for Life receive free comprehensive health screenings, risk assessments and education from clinical staff, as well as case management provided by a registered nurse. Health screenings include body mass index, cholesterol, triglyceride and blood glucose measurements. Counseling on personal life choices that promote a healthy lifestyle includes regular physical activity, good nutrition habits and a smoke-free environment. Well-woman exams also may be available to address other health concerns, such as breast and cervical cancer.Each woman enrolled in Wise for Life receives a customized wellness plan based on her unique circumstances and relevant risk factors. The plan is created jointly between client and program staff. Attainable goals are set related to diet, exercise and other lifestyle choices that greatly influence heart health and translate to a healthier life. As a grant-funded resource and referral program, Wise for Life refers women with cardiovascular and chronic disease indicators to appropriate medical providers in the community for additional evaluations and follow-up care, as needed.Wise for Life’s approach to preventing, detecting and controlling heart disease is based on science and evidence of success in similar programs through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.We tend to think of hearts during February, but heart disease is a year-round concern with possible life-and-death consequences. On behalf of the El Paso County Health Department, I strongly urge you to take good care of your heart – for yourself, your family and everyone else in your life. You can begin by visiting our Web site at or calling 719-578-3199 and asking for Wise for Life, part of Clinical Services.
Common heart attack symptoms in women
  • Discomfort in neck, jaw, shoulder or upper back
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Abdominal pain or “heartburn”
  • Sweating
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Unusual or unexplained fatigue

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