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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

SHE’S NO DUMMY“Normally, no one can see the store, and this gets attention,” said Sonja Echt, owner of a gift shop at a mall in Portsmouth, N.H. Echt addressed the city council, asking for permission to put a mannequin on the sidewalk outside her store to attract the attention of passers-by. “Have we allowed a chair with a mannequin on city property before?” asked town Councilor Eric Spear. “Because it kind of freaks me out actually.” He’s not the only one. “It kind of freaks me out, too,” agreed Councilor Esther Kennedy. “Let’s do it for three months,” suggested City Manager John Bohenko. “If it appears to be a problem with people who have a phobia or something, we can probably ask her not to put it out there.” The council agreed to the trial period. (Portsmouth Herald) … People with mannequin phobia go to malls?Source: www.thisistrue.comDISQUIETINGLibrarians are protesting a new action figure being released by Archie McPhee and Co. of Seattle, Wash. The $8.95 doll, complete with “amazing push-button shushing action” is “a lovely idea and a lovely tribute to my chosen profession,” said librarian Nancy Pearl, 58, whom the doll is modeled after. But other librarians don’t like it one bit. “The shushing thing just put me right over the edge,” said Diane DuBois of the Caribou (Maine) Public Library. “It’s so stereotypical I could scream.” (AP) … Hey! What part of “shush” don’t you understand?Source: www.thisistrue.comRUMORSWith more burger joints per capita than most U.S. cities, it is eagerly rumored that a Qdoba Mexican Grill will be moving into town soon! Bring on the guacamole!

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