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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

CAN YOU IDENTIFY THIS MAN?After an armored car was robbed in front of a bank in Monroe, Wash., police were confident they’d find the culprit: the man was wearing a yellow vest, safety goggles, a respirator mask and a blue shirt. But when officers arrived, they found more than a dozen men dressed that way. They were all responding to an ad on the Craigslist Web site for road workers who were told to meet at the bank at that time wearing a “yellow vest, safety goggles, a respirator mask … and, if possible, a blue shirt,” one of the men recited. The robber has not been found. (Seattle Times) … Let’s hope the cops looked through all of their identical lunch boxes.Source: www.thisistrue.comHOT PANTS“A passerby called in and said the guy was out of his vehicle and his pants were on fire,” said a police spokesman in York, Maine. The man, described as a redhead – and only wearing boxer shorts because he had taken his pants off – was gone by the time police and firefighters arrived. They found his pants beside the road, still smoldering. “We’d like to know what caused that,” the officer said. (Portsmouth, N.H., Seacoast) … All cops should be familiar with the type: he was obviously a liar, liar.Source:

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