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Perfect Fit

It’s here – just look at the seasonal shelves in your favorite store. Retailers refer to this time as the holiday season, but I notice another season. Weight-gain season starts now and runs through New Year’s. The next two months will bring ample opportunity for you to indulge and expand your waistline.Why do I bring this up now and not mid-way through December? Now is the time for you to plan for the weeks ahead. Once the whirlwind of holiday activities and obligations begins, you’ll be too busy to put a plan into action. So, in this moment of clarity, this calm before the storm; let’s outline a plan that will save you from unwanted holiday pounds.

  1. Put your feet to the fire. Exercise is the first thing to go when people get busy, and the holiday season is notorious for deserted gyms. This year do something drastic – obligate yourself to exercise. Promising yourself isn’t enough. You need to promise to others so you won’t drop the ball.Commit to working with a fitness expert – the perfect solution for consistent, challenging and effective workouts. You’ll get the attention and assistance you need to power through the holidays in better shape than ever. Talk about motivating!Join a class. You won’t be as effective on your own during the busy holiday season, so joining a class would lend accountability. Stick with something challenging that gets your heart rate elevated and incorporates strength training.Find a serious exercise buddy. Some friends can be the biggest help while others end up pulling you down. When looking for an exercise buddy, choose carefully and consider the following questions: Do they share your fitness goals? Are they typically encouraging? Do they stick with things? Are you at the same fitness level?Get your spouse involved. What a great way to spend more time together during this busy season. And, you’ll be able to support each other in your shared quest for fitness. Decide on an exercise activity that you both enjoy, and set a schedule for your workout dates.
  2. Cut the fat. I mean this literally. I’m not going to imply that you shouldn’t indulge in any seasonal treats, but think moderation. Often the holidays are an excuse to eat to the point of being uncomfortable. Would you really miss that bloated feeling? Decide on a few fattening treats to cut out this year.Do you really need to bring sweets for everyone in the office, especially since you know you will end up with the leftovers? How about a fruit basket or flower arrangement instead?At holiday parties, load your plate first with greens, vegetables and lean meats before breads and heavier foods. Also, drink water with your meal, and keep alcoholic beverages to a minimum.Watch what you drink. Most beverages are filled to the brim with calories. Hot drinks from Starbucks, cocktails at parties and eggnog around a crackling fire are enjoyable but filled with empty calories.
At no other time in the year are we faced with so many sweets. To avoid being a Scrooge without adding pounds to your frame, try the one-treat rule. Each time you’re in a social situation that involves sweets, eat only one and enjoy your treat slowly.If you want to enjoy upcoming festivities without dealing with added pounds, plan ahead. Most people approach the holidays with the mindset that he or she deserves to indulge and shouldn’t have to exercise because it’s the holidays. This is fine if you don’t mind entering 2009 a few pounds heavier, a little less healthy and with less energy.– www.perfectfitwc.comRECIPE OF THE MONTHChocolate Peanut Butter Protein BarsWhat a delicious way to satisfy your sweet tooth. These homemade protein bars are quick to make, about 20 minutes from start to end, and they make a healthy on-the-go snack. You may want to make a double batch and store extra in the freezer.Servings: 8 barsHere’s what you need…2 1/2 cups oats1/2 cup chocolate whey protein powder1 teaspoon cinnamon2 tablespoons organic peanut butter3 egg whites2 mashed bananas1 tablespoon honey4 tablespoons nonfat milkPreheat oven to 350 degrees and coat an 8×8 pan with non-stick spray. Mix the oats, protein powder and cinnamon. Add peanut butter and stir until well combined. Add egg whites, bananas, honey and milk. Spoon the mixture into the prepared pan. Place in the oven, and bake for 15 minutes or until set. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before cutting into eight bars.Nutritional Analysis: One bar equals: 185 calories, 4g fat, 27g carbohydrate, 4g fiber and 11g protein.

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