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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

Intercepted!For the football game against McNeese State, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill had a special stunt planned – two men would parachute into the stadium to deliver the game ball. But, as officials scanned the sky, nothing came; the skydivers had instead landed at the Wallace Wade Stadium eight miles away, where Duke University was getting ready to play James Madison University. “In about five years, maybe this will be funny,” said UNC associate athletic director Rick Steinbacher. (Raleigh News & Observer)…No, it was funny immediately.Source: www.thisistrue.comSouthern hospitalityThe Butler County, Ky., sheriff had a warrant for the arrest of Joe Oros III, wanted for jumping bail on a drunk driving charge. The sheriff’s department got word that Oros was being held in California. Sheriff Joe Gaddie told California authorities he would travel to get Oros. Gaddie and a deputy drove a squad car for the 4,100-mile trip to collect the prisoner, who insisted he was not wanted in Kentucky.”Every convict has a story,” Gaddie said, dismissing the claim. But, upon arriving in Kentucky, they discovered Oros was the victim of identity theft, and they really did have the wrong guy. Oros was flown back to California, and has considered suing the county. His lawyer notes that if Gaddie had simply brought a mug shot of the wanted man, he would have immediately realized the mistaken identity. Meanwhile, Oros said he liked Kentucky. “It’s so green, and the people are so nice,” he said. “I just might move there.” (Louisville Courier-Journal) …Maybe for the settlement, Gaddie will help him move.Source:

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