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Monkey Business

Monkey Business

YOU CAN’T FIGHT CITY HALLPat Valva, city coucilwoman in Denville, N.J., was outraged that mayor Ted Hussa had parked in a handicapped spot at a local church for a function they both attended. “This is all part of the effort to defame,” Hussa said of the accusation, noting he was only in the spot for a few minutes to unload packages, and besides, the borrowed vehicle he was driving had a disabled parking placard.”You can’t do that,” Valva said. “It’s not fair for people who are handicapped.” She said Hussa was parked there for at least three hours and suggested that he move and asked the police to issue him a citation. He refused. Police Chief Christopher Wagner said he couldn’t issue a ticket unless someone filed a complaint, so Jeannemarie Ahrens, who is disabled and read about the case in the newspaper, filed one. But despite Hussa’s statements in the record at the city council meeting, in court he testified that he realized later that he had not parked in a handicapped spot, but rather next to it. The judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence. Councilwoman Valva resigned over the incident. (Parsippany Daily Record) … Figures: the wrong politician resigned again.

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