Falcon High School basketball star Gabriel Jackson signed a letter of intent with Trinidad State Junior College. Jackson, one of the Falcons’ leading scorers, will receive a full scholarship.In addition to the chance to continue his basketball career, Jackson is looking forward to an education that will help him pursue his desire to work in business administration.Rich Holden, TSJC’s athletic director, spoke at Jackson’s signing ceremony. “Many athletes don’t realize how few spots there are available at the college level for very many talented athletes,” Holden said. “Gabe is very receptive to coaching and that was his strongest attribute.”Several of Jackson’s teachers came to the signing. “When I consider the person Gabe Jackson, I perceive the vitality of America’s future, said Debra Head, Jackson’s English teacher. “Young people like him are searching for the pathways into a productive life, and Gabe is one who has taken an initial step not only onto the basketball court, but also upon life’s court. As a student, he always accepted the challenges of the assignments. Upon several occasions, he would accept my offer for assistance, especially for the required research paper. It is my practice to coach my students – much like the coaches of the basketball team – to understand how to accomplish the expression of writing. Gabe always accepted, and he always attempted to perfect his compositions. So, his personal characteristics have aided him in his efforts to succeed – on and off the court.”
Gabriel Jackson signs with Trinidad college
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