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Sand Creek High School stand-out students

Amanda BrignolaAmanda describes herself as a curious person. “I think that’s why I did well in school,” she said. “I like to know what’s going on in the world. I like reading nerdy magazines like Newsweek.”The Sand Creek valedictorian also enjoyed her AP (advanced placement) government, psychology and anatomy classes. “I liked all my teachers,” Amanda said, citing the passion they displayed through teaching.In addition to school work, Amanda ran track and cross country, served as National Honor Society secretary and participated in Sand Creek’s El Pomar Youth in Community Service program.Amanda’s EPYCS club raised $500 and received a $7,500 grant from the El Pomar Foundation. After reviewing the grant requests, they awarded the funds to a variety of organizations, including KCME, Mill Dog Rescue and Pikes Peak Therapeutic Riding Center.Amanda served as one of Sand Creek’s representatives at the award ceremony. “I got to announce the grants, meet with the representatives of the organizations and give out the checks,” she said.Amanda also plays the flute. She played in the Sand Creek marching band, Pikes Peak Wind Symphony and the Colorado Springs Youth Symphony. She will attend the University of Colorado, where she is one of three students accepted into the flute program.”I honestly never saw myself majoring in music,” Amanda said, “But after seeing how powerful it can be and realizing how much I enjoy it, I couldn’t picture myself in any other field.”Amanda toured Japan with the Pikes Peak Wind Symphony. Visiting schools on tour, she was able to bridge the language barrier by singing “Stand by Me” with other students.The band also played a concert with a Japanese high school group. “Even with our cultural differences and lack of verbal conversation, we had so much fun and were able to unite under the language of music,” she said.”Even here in the U.S. millions of people can unite, singing the national anthem.”Amanda will study music education and plans to teach music at the elementary school level. “The arts truly enrich life, and I want to be able to impact children the way my music teachers and conductors have impacted me,” she said.Brendan MorganLast fall, Brendan Morgan and his buddies planted a tree with unusual flair. To ensure its permanence, they used concrete to fill around the base of the tree. The cement and the tree’s location – the Falcon High School football field – was not a show of environmental conviction. It was a homecoming prank that got Brendan suspended from school for a week.But, this modest Sand Creek senior isn’t a delinquent. “I’m really proud of my grades,” Brendan said, casually adding, “and of being the salutatorian.”Graduating at the top of the class was never his goal. “School comes easy to me. I didn’t know until the last semester of sophomore year that I was at the top of the class,” he said.Brandon carried a heavy class load this year, taking three AP classes: biology, statistics, and language and composition.Despite the workload, Brendan said he enjoyed high school. “I’m really going to miss the people,” he said. His favorite teacher is Rich Wasserman, who teaches Brendan’s favorite subject – biology.”Biology is really great. It’s not like math, where you’re trying to find a derivative of something. [Biology] relates to everything around you,” Brendan said. He said he enjoyed the lab-based class and credits Wasserman for always trying to make class fun and interesting.”Brendan Morgan has my respect as a student who has a vast innate ability to comprehend challenging material,” Wasserman said. “He is on the cusp of understanding just how exciting the field of science is and how much more there is to learn and explore.”Brendan spends his free time snowboarding and working part-time at Discount Tire. He also played outfield for Sand Creek’s baseball team.Brendan will attend the University of Colorado in Boulder. He said he’s still deciding between majoring in business or engineering.

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