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Letters to the Editor

Socializing your puppy

As a local dog trainer specializing in puppy behavior, I was saddened yet pleased to read Kathleen Wallace’s article “How much is that puppy in the parking lot?” She is to be commended for raising awareness of this terrible business. Knowing that we can call PACFA at (303) 239-4161 to report license plate numbers to the authorities is welcome news.As readers now know, well-bred pups have health clearances and are 8 weeks old. Perhaps equally important is that they have been handled and socialized inside a home environment. A telling question, then, is whether the seller has “socialized” the pups and if they have met 100 people yet. If the seller has no idea what socialization is, don’t walk away, run! An under-socialized dog will spend its life in fear of everything and everybody; a challenge the average person is not willing or often even capable of dealing with.No matter how your puppy comes into your life, begin a socialization program immediately; the window of opportunity closes at a mere 12 weeks of age. Nowadays, you can start a program with a healthy, vaccinated 9- to 10-week-old pup. At this age pups are rather fearless and amenable to all sorts of situations. Your goal is to have puppy meet an additional 100 friendly people during the first month with you. A trip in the car while running errands is a great socialization experience. Take some treats and include a stop at your vet clinic to meet friendly staff. Hold your puppy, letting him see, smell & hear other dogs and a cat or two. End your journey sipping a Starbucks outside Safeway, watching people of all ages, shapes & sizes come and go until your well-socialized pup drifts off to sleep in your lap.Rachel WatsonPuppyNanny911@yahoo.com719-495-3919

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