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Spring is here and that means it’s time for the age-old tradition of spring-cleaning. The word alone conjures up images of a garage stuffed with junk and closets bulging with unwanted items.Often, like the urge to ignore the dirty windows, we have an urge to give up on fitness and weight loss. Why eat a salad when you’re 30 pounds overweight? It’s easier to enjoy a heaping plate of pasta. Why go to the gym after work when it’s easier to relax on the couch?Living life with unwanted excess weight is like allowing your garage to stay clogged with junk. It’s a discouraging place to be. The good news is that you aren’t stuck.In the same way that you take a weekend to roll up your sleeves and get that garage cleaned out, it’s time to take a month or two (or more depending on where you are in relation to your goals) and drop down to your ideal weight.There are two ways to approach weight loss. One will leave you discouraged and frustrated, while the other will get you fit.The diet dabblerYou know this person. Every month they are trying out a new diet. One week they don’t eat carbs and the next week they only eat soup. They feel guilty about food and they’re not getting results.Exercise is equally as spotty and is done in bursts. One month they power walk on their lunch break, and a few months later they take a class at the gym. Programs are abandoned when they don’t get results.The problem with the diet-dabbler mentality is inconsistency. The only thing consistent is that their frustration grows with every failed attempt, and their weight continues to rise.The action takerYou also know this person: someone who buckled down and lost the weight with a massive action plan; someone who teamed up with a professional, stuck with a diet plan and exercised hard. In a short time, his or her body was transformed.Guess what? Now, that action taker is in maintenance mode – the best place to be. They look great, they feel great and their clothes fit.Maybe you’ve dabbled with diets and exercise only to come away frustrated. Many of my clients have experienced that same frustration. Get serious about your results and begin the last weight-loss program that you’ll ever do. Then, you can kick your diet-dabbling days to the curb.Here’s the bottom line: It’s time to tap in to your inner action taker, roll up your sleeves and do what it takes to drop down to your ideal weight.RECIPE OF THE MONTHFlax Meal Protein CakesWho doesn’t love pancakes? Here’s a recipe that you can enjoy guilt free. These pancakes are packed with protein and contain omega-3 fatty acid from the flax meal. Omega-3 fatty acids are not manufactured naturally in your body, and thus must come from your diet as they are essential for growth and development. Servings: 2Here’s what you need…1 egg and 2 egg whites2/3 cup nonfat cottage cheese1/2 cup whole grain cornmeal2 tablespoon whole wheat flour1 teaspoon baking powder1 tablespoon sugar1/3 cup nonfat milk2 tablespoon flax meal1 teaspoon grated lemon peelSliced banana *optional*Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.Bake on a 350-degree griddle lightly greased with cooking spray. Serve with sliced banana.Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 264 calories, 4g fat, 39g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 20g protein.David Corder

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